Chapter Twenty-Four - What Are You Up To?

Start from the beginning

"I know. Ten minutes on your Facebook page showed me that much."

Isla's cheeks brightened considerably. He wanted to do something else to make that blush even deeper, until it ran down the length of her neck and to her supple breasts.

"I've owned half the team for the last five years now. Do you recall when the owner was having financial difficulty?"

He didn't go into anymore details than that. Everyone knew about the tax and supposed gambling problems.

Isla nodded. "That was you? I was following that like crazy but there was no mention of the source of money. You helped the team get out of debt?"

"No matter what I offered the original owner, he wouldn't budge from his position of only half. He refused to give me any more than that. He was willing to risk the team disbanding, and the city losing out on the funds it had cost to build the stadium."

"So you saved them?"

He had her full rapt attention now. "I wanted the team. I didn't want them to disband because I couldn't have the whole thing."

Isla was staring at him now with stars in her eyes. Arturo had just presented himself as the savior of her favorite team. She'd be eating out of the palm of his hand for a while now.

"That's...the most amazing thing I've ever heard."

Arturo soaked up the praise and admiration. It wasn't every day a man could impress a woman because he loved a hockey team as much as she did. For owning half of the team, sure, but not for loving the team.

"I paid for half the team, I didn't pay for cancer research."

Isla shook her head. "I don't care. I mean, don't ever quote me on that because that sounds bad, but really, I don't care."

Arturo couldn't help himself. He tried to hold it back a smile, he really did. He ended up laughing a little instead.


When they made it to the stadium, despite the fact that they arrived in a limo, everything felt normal. Maybe that was part of the fun. It would be nice to show up in a helicopter and completely avoid all the slow moving traffic that was also trying to get to the stadium, but there was something to say about the anticipation that bubbled and thrummed in her stomach, making her gut clench up as she fought the urge to keep from bouncing in her seat, that really added to the fun. Also, the fact that, since neither of them were driving, they could both enjoy a glass of really amazing wine together added to the fun.

Sometimes it was better to not have everything be exactly like it was in those billionaire romances. Enjoying everything the way a normal person would had its benefits.

Especially since they didn't have to wait to find a parking spot. Sam dropped them off and they walked up to the front doors with everyone else.

Of course, the mascots were there getting their pictures taken with fans, along with the dozen or so scalpers who were selling the garbage tickets for jacked up prices.

Isla tried not to look into their evil eyes. Legend had it that her soul would get sucked from her body, leaving it to shrivel like a rotting piece of blackened fruit that would puddle within seconds if she made eye contact.

She didn't much like scalpers. On the few occasions when she'd been forced to purchase tickets to a sold out game, she'd made sure to keep from looking them in the eyes, but always felt dirty after the transaction was complete. As though part of her soul had been stolen, regardless of the steps she'd taken to keep it safe.

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