6. Reunited

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            The inn above the Three Broomsticks is much nicer than I thought it would be. Not that Hogsmeade is a rundown village, but most guests tend to stay in the Hogwarts guest rooms. I can't imagine there's much need for rooms for rent in Hogsmeade.

The room Sirona gave us has a double bed, a roaring fireplace, and the luxury of an attached bathroom. I could honestly spend the whole weekend here instead of one night back at home. The reprieve would be great for me, but I suppose I'll have to see if Sebastian needs to return home. Perhaps we could just take the weekend to ourselves.

The doorknob turns, drawing my attention from unpacking my bag. A smile breaks across my face at the sight of him. There's a small bag slung over his shoulder and signature smirk on his lips. "Hello, love," he greets.

I squeal with excitement and rush into his embrace. He catches me easily, arms wrapping around my waist tightly. "I have so much to tell you," I gush. I force myself back so that he's an arm's length from me, my hands resting on his shoulders. It gives me a good look at his face. He's been tanned from the long days in the summer sun, his freckles have darkened in likeness, and his hair looks lighter. There's a fading bruise on his cheekbone and a small, almost-healed cut on his chin. My fingers gingerly trace the minor injuries.


"They ought to give you a better helmet."

He shrugs like it's never crossed his mind. "Every job's got its hazards. How's yours?"

I scoff in response, letting my arms fall from around him. "Every job's got its hazards." Sebastian's eyebrows peak with interest. "Mine's Lars." His eyebrows furrow with confusion. "Maybe it's best we sit down."

Concern immediately finds his features as he lets me lead him to the bed. We sit down next to each other, and when I move to pull my hand from his, he grips it even tighter. "What's going on, Allie?"

I know the news is going to upset him, possibly even enrage him. I don't know a good way to break it to him, so I just rip off the bandage. "Lars issued a formal proposal for my hand in marriage." I can't bring myself to look at him, so I keep my gaze on our intertwined fingers. His knuckles are bruised like he's learning how to play Quidditch all over again. Dad told me a few stories about when he was trying to learn to play and kept missing the bludger with the bat and smashing his hand against it instead. In a way, he is. He's never been a beater before.

After too long of silence, I look up at Sebastian, who is just as adamantly watching me as I was his hand. "Am I supposed to feel threatened or something?"

I'm initially shocked at the nonchalance of his answer. My jaw must be near the floor, because Sebastian finally offers a small laugh at my expression and then gently closes my mouth with his knuckle under my chin. "You're not mad?"

"Mad? I think amused is a better word." His thumb brushes my cheek fondly before he collapses back onto the bed. "Though I am admittedly a bit annoyed that Lars would try to move in on a girl just because her boyfriend isn't around." He reaches for my waist and pulls me down next to him. "And Theo obviously said no."

"I heard he told you no, too."

Sebastian rolls his eyes. "He didn't say no. He said to wait, and it's my intent to. We both have careers we want to start. I'd like for us to have a chance to do that first." I curl into his side. "I will marry you one day, though, even if I have to go through Lars as well. He's nothing compared to what we've been through and what I've had to do to keep you."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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