3. Magicis Par

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            Sebastian slings his Quidditch kit over his shoulder and looks at me with a half-smile. "I'll see you over the weekend. You have to make a visit to Vespers and Venum, yeah?"

I try to meet his enthusiasm for the next chapter of his life, but my smile certainly falls short. "Yes, I'll meet you in Hogsmeade for lunch, and then we can come back together for the night. Write me often."

"Every chance I get," he promises. With his free hand, he cups my cheek endearingly, brushing against it with his thumb. "Remember, the first two weeks are the hardest."

"They're also when I'll see you the most."

"I'm always just one incredibly exhausting apparition away from you." I roll my eyes at the unnecessary dramatics. His apparition skills are beyond impressive. I know from Hogwarts to here would be nearly nothing to him. "I love you, Allie."

"I love you, Seb."

With the hand on the side of my face, he pulls me in for a final kiss before meeting Callum and Jack on the sidewalk and disappearing with the familiar, sharp crack.

I let out a heavy sigh at the silence that overtakes the early morning. Despite my best efforts, tears prick my eyes as I stare at the space he occupied just moments ago. I most certainly can live my life without him, but I've still been grieving what was. I've always had his comfort.

It's selfish, I know it is. He has worked so much on himself in the last year to become who I needed him to be. It's well past time that he does this for himself. He deserves it.

A hand rests on my shoulder, moving into an arm around me as I remain in front of the house. "It gets easier," Dad assures. "I wouldn't hand pick any other person for you, Allie, but it's time you remember how to be yourself without him again. Good for both of you, really."

"I know," I agree, my voice cracking under the weight of the unshed tears. "Have you ever heard of magicis par?" He nods. "He's mine."

"Darling, I've known that for far longer than the two of you have been together." I turn to him curiously. "I don't doubt the strength your magic, certainly now, but I could feel it about you when you're with him. You magic is stronger. It was continually confirmed every time you started to lose control. He was the only one who could bring you back."

"Was it like that with you and..." My question trails off at the immediate shaking of his head.

"It's exceedingly rare. The two of you are incredibly fortunate."

Startling us both, Ominis appears in front of us on the sidewalk. I suppose he did say he'd be back this morning. "Allie?"

"Yeah." I reach out for him, and he quickly finds my hand and lets me guide him through the front gate until he can retrieve his wand. "How was your weekend?"

"Wonderful. I'd love to tell you more over breakfast." Ominis loops his arm through mine, and we start back towards the house.

"I need to get to work. I'll see you tonight," Dad tells me. I give him a small wave and smile of reassurance to combat his concerned look.

Ominis and I enter the house. Anne is whirling through the kitchen trying to grab food before she leaves to nanny, kissing Ominis on the cheek and bidding both of us farewell before whisking out of the front door. "And then there were two," I comment. "Sit. I'll make us breakfast."

Ominis obliges, but I can tell he's observing me as I retrieve a cast iron pan for some eggs and bacon. "You feel tense," he comments.

"I'm fine," I assure him, but I can tell that he doesn't buy it. My best option is to change the subject. "Tell me about your weekend."

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