Class 1A vs Poker Finale

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Chapter 16: Class 1A vs Poker Finale

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Harry then turned to Mashirao and smiled at him.

$Shadow, wrap him up, will you?$ Harry commanded his snake.

"Alright, Ochaco, Kyoka, Koji, and Mezo, you're up." Harry winked.

"Arghh, we're going to lose." Kyoka sighed

"We'll see," Harry says.


As Ochaco, Kyoka, Koji, and Mezo walked to the arena, Harry turned to his snake.

$Shadow, ready?$

$Of course, Master$ came the reply.

"Now!" Midnight-sensei cheered

$Bite$ Harry commanded him.

Shadow slithered down to bite Ochaco before being stopped by Koji.

"Shadow, stop." Shadow seems to freeze there, and Severus and the Slytherin turn into confusion.

"I thought the only Parseltongue was Potter and the Dark Lord? And that kid didn't seem to say it in Parseltongue as well." Severus though

"I almost forgot about your quirk, Koji," Harry snickered.

Koji grins a little before calling Ochaco.

"Yup." Ochaco nodded and smiled at Harry, and Harry raised his eyebrow and turned back just to see a tall wall that was going to hit him.

"Yikes!" Harry flew and grimaced before the wall hit him.

"Not so fast, Pot-Poker." Kyoka uses heatbeat distortion to make a loud noise followed by ground shakes.

"Ouch, so loud!" Harry cringed.

$Shadow return$ Harry commanded his snake as it turned back into a card and returned to him.

Harry then flew back to the ground and pulled another card to summon Feron.

"Feron, create a fire barrier," Harry ordered his phoenix.

Suddenly, the others couldn't see anything but a very large fire barrier, and they all began to feel the heat.

"Wait" Mezo uses Octosearcher to check on Harry.

"He's in the center; he was using his card to do what?" Mezo says before a loud explosion can be heard from the center.

"What happened?" Mezo shouted

"Wait!" Koji calls a nearby bird to check on him.

"Could you see what happened there?"

The bird nodded and flew, just to return when it finished.

"He's WHAT?!" Koji yelled

"What is it?" Ochaco asks

"He was shocked because of me, of course." Harry emerges from the barrier, and the barrier disappears just to change into a black-colored Phoenix.

"I've combined my two strongest pets into one, and it's a very complicated thing to do and very rare. Now let me present to you, 'Poisonix'" Harry shows his Phoenix

"Maybe you found the differences; it was a black-colored phoenix now. Second, Shadow doesn't have a poison, but because he was combined with Feron, this Poisonix has a poison, but I could unacctivate it," Harry explained and winked.

Poisionix flew and hit them all, leaving them all to faint.

"No worries, I've unacctivated the poison, but still," Harry laughed.

"Sorry guys," Harry grins.


It's Saturday and rainy, right now

How's the battle, which part do you guys like more?

Soy's OUT

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