Nice to see you again

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Chapter 3 - Nice to see you again

Previously on

"Poker?" Dumbledore asks Harry smiled and blinked.

"Hello, headmaster, nice to see you again." Harry gave him his best cold voice, and everyone shivered right away.

Harry has covered his lighting scar, changed his hair style, and put on his regular red hero suit with a 'P' letter, so no one from Hogwarts recognizes him, but it goes wrong when Severus speaks.

"Po, Po, Potter?" he asks, which also surprises Harry.

"Hmm, who, Professor?" Harry acted innocently.

"Harry Potter!" he shouted.

"Why do you think that it was me, professor?" Harry asks, worried that if he does something wrong to let his identity be discovered,

"Green eyes are the same as his," Harry and Midoriya laugh.

'I thought it was because of something I did, but it's only because of my eyes' Harry thought.

"Professor, I also had green eyes." Midoriya smiles and tilts his head to the side.

"Yups, amazing right? We have a matching eye color." Harry grinned as Bakugo huffed.

"Oh, shut it, Kacchan," Harry teased him.

"What did you say just now?" Bakugo growled

"Shut it, Kacchan?" Harry repeated


Bakugo shot at Harry, but Harry didn't even move; the explosion just disappeared quickly.

"Kacchan, it's the sixth time you tried to hurt me; it never works." Harry teased him again.

Bakugo shot again; Harry moved this time and shot a fireball but was blocked by Bakugo, but Bakugo didn't notice it was a trap.

"What, Poker-kun, why is it that your fire didn't get me?" Bakugo teases him, and he walks to Harry.

"Are you scared, Poker?" Bakugo teases him again.

"You wish," Harry grinned, while the white, silver-haired kid widened his eyes, remembering his duel with Harry in his second year.

Flashback, year two

"Scared, Pottah?" Draco asks

"You wish," Harry says.

Flashback ends

Harry walks nearer to Harry, but Harry only smiles and tilts his head, and suddenly Bakugo is trapped and wrapped.

"Hehe, didn't you notice that Kacchan?" Harry smiled, mocking

"Uggh," Bakugo growls.

Harry just unwrapped Bakugo when it was his turn to be wrapped, along with Bakugo that was wrapped once more.

"Poker, Bakugo!" Aizawa sensei growls at them as he enters the main hall.

"Umm, Sen. Sei, we couldn't breathe," Harry hardly says.

"Aizawa sensei, you could stop." All might frown.

Harry and Bakugo were slammed hard into the floor.

"Ouch!" Harry grimaced.

"DON'T FIGHT UNTIL THERE'S A TEACHER!" Aizawa sensei shot a look at them.

"Sorry, I won't do it again" Harry grimaced again, but Bakugo only huffed.

"Huh, you will always do it again, Poker-kun." Mina smiles

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