Chapter 14 - To Pass Time

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(A/N - Hey, it's been about a month since the last chapter. This chapter has gone through many changes in idea, structure, and the fact that this was originally going to be the end of the 1600s {Besides one in-between chapter to help us adapt to the new circumstances of the next Era}.

Though this chapter has a 'days until the heist' tracker, the heist happens either 2 or 3 chapters away from now. Writer is only using this metric to help the reader understand how much time is going by.

Though Writer is pleased to announce that despite the revisions and restructuring done to this chapter, it's still going to be shit, (: )

[FACT - In every metric but time and effort, Immortal's ability to gain muscle is about the same as humans. Though the amount of time and effort it takes to gain or lose muscle is heightened over 6-fold]

{Sunday: Six days before the heist.}

Luther had been called back by Mr Rogers the next morning.

His late night rendezvous with Pitt, and Spark dragging him out of bed in the abnormally early morning, caused him to be quite exhausted for most of the morning. Though he was beginning to adapt to lack of sleep once again, shown by his ability to function quite well through tired eyes.

That functionality, as well as Mr Rogers involving himself in the hunt since it was no longer Luther's training, yielded the results of three deer and a hare. A medium sized bird was also caught, but Muxley got to it first.

As the duo had arrived back at the shop, Mr Rogers requested Luther's presence inside.

Mr Rogers dragged Luther to the backroom, one dead deer in hand. The room smelled of death, and held red stains all across the floor, some stains even reached the walls. Mr Rogers motioned to the middle table topped with the hide of an animal, of which the duo carefully set the deer down on top of it.

The ginger man looked his way, "Ms Spark requested me to make a delivery for your group, saying that she would deliver a list of items later. Did she give you that list?", "No, Spark tends to handle preparations herself, you need to ask her."

Mr Rogers nodded, before looking down at the deer, "That knife over there, pass it to me?" Luther looked behind him, eying the square blade hung to the wall. He passed the knife to the redhead, who was about to shove the blade into the deer before he remembered something, "Why are you guys taking from the library anyways?" he questioned.

Luther looked up, "I'm not sure how much I can say, but we need entertainment. Where we live isn't exactly the most exciting place." he answered, about 78% sure Spark had been asked the same question by him.

The redhead shrugged, "Take no offense to this, but you guys are weird." he spoke, though despite his words seeming harsh, there was no ill in his tone. Luther was curious of what he meant by that, asking as much.

"I don't know, yall seem like the type to eat coffee beans instead of the actual drink." He thought for a moment, "Or the type to fall directly into a rosebush and come out without a scratch of a single thorn" The redhead finished.

Though it seems like a strange thing to say, earlier while they were hunting, Luther did actually fall into a rosebush, and his clothes as well as his body both came out unscathed. That was because of him being an Immortal, but even without that instance, Luther still had not beat the weirdness allegations.

Mr Rogers shrugged once again, "But thats just my opinion." His eyes shifted back onto the deer. "Oh, and thats all, you can go home now." The redhead spoke without moving his head. Luther nodded back despite the other being unable to see it.

Luther grabbed his bag and walked back through the shop, opening the faded green exit door. He trekked back to base, ready to relax for the rest of the day.

Every Hundred Years {Discontinued, Read final part for more information}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora