Chapter 9 - To Tour, Once Again

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(A/N - So, writer was gonna put here that we got over 100 reads on this, but jesus christ guys 121. Writer is not sure why the sudden influx of people, but welcomes them. That's all, enjoy the chapter.)

[FACT - Nobody knows where Immortals came from, not why, they just exist.]

Luther was awoken by a knock, many knocks actually. The room was still dark, but he found his way to a lantern and turned it on. The knocking continued as Luther opened the small latch in the door, judging from the clothes he saw, Luther guessed that the person knocking was Lina.

And he was right, "Morning Luther, you should head to the dining hall now. Oh, and put these on." She handed a pair of clothes to Luther, some black pants and a long-sleeved red shirt.

Luther did as requested, before heading out of the room and following Lina to the dining hall. Luther noticed the mineshaft was brighter now, as more torches and lanterns lie around lit.

He attempted to memorize the path to the dining hall, however just looking at the signs on the wall made that pointless.

Luther began to hear an ocean of voices fade in as they arrived. As they stepped through the curtain, heads of white and few other colors turned, all eyes cut to them as they sat down.

"And here comes man of the hour" Kneed jokes, seemingly immune to the stares.

A small bell rang as they sat down. "Alright, alright. Everyone quiet down" a man shouted.

Luther noticed the shortly raised platform in the middle, the man stood in sharp white and gold robes, long white hair sprawling down from his head.

From atop the platform, the man shouted again, "I'm interrupting this breakfast to inform you of two things. First, at least temporarily, we have another Immortal staying with us. I feel you already know who that is, but from my understanding their name is Luther. And second, as I'm sure you're all aware the new century begins tomorrow at dusk. our celebration will be at the same time. This event is not mandatory, and no work will be assigned during it. Thank you for listening." The man finished with a bow and walked off, heading towards Luther's table.

"Afternoon Mr. Valecrest" The man stated, "Your accommodations here will be further settled after the new century begins. For now, I have asked Mr. Kar to provide you a tour if requested. But with that aside I should introduce myself, I'm Spear, leader of this fine mineshaft." Finished the man, his demeanor like a sheathed blade, calm and curious, while a danger to unleash in seconds. The man was someone Luther for sure didn't want to mess with.

Everyone had gone back to chatting as a familiar white-haired man sat down. "Hey guys, Sir Spear started I would be in charge of your tours. We could start now if you choose."

Luther briefly wondered about the familiarity, until the man pulled out an orange wig with a green headband.

Luther decided now would be good for the tour.

"Okay then, oh by the way, people around here call me Carrot, Kar for short. You might recognize me from the stable in Leafton." The group stood up

"This is the dining hall, we come here for three meals a day. We also have a candle over there for timekeeping, somebody resets it each night." Kar explained.

Kar stated a few more details that Luther didn't hear. On their way out of the dining hall, Luther got a glimpse of Pitt eating alone, to which their eyes locked for a moment before retracting.

And for the rest of the tour Luther was only partly there, perhaps it was what happened in Clauddale that made Luther feel so detached, like the moment he begins a new life, all those around him die. But maybe this time would go differently. Hopefully.

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