Chapter 5 - To Raid

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(A/N - Going forward, POV's change with |•—--•| . Chapter may be shorter than normal.)

[FACT - Immortals hate garlic, it doesn't kill them, it just tastes really bad. Useless fact, I know]

They had prepared quite a bit since Luther agreed to join the raid, from making Luther his own ¶oached cloak, to giving him a bag with some hidden compartments, though they couldn't hold much without something pushing too hard on the outside.

And with that preparation came the day.

In preparation for the raid, Alicent had awoken earlier than the rest of the kingdom, that story told from the bags under her eyes.

Yet despite all this preparation they still chose to leave at the early afternoon, rather than under the cover of the dawn's darkness.

The team quickly confirmed their jobs, Luther, Kyle, and Athena would be the main infiltration force. They would be followed closely behind by Roland, who would have a crossbow to protect them from medium distances. While Alicent would stay in the back, making sure nobody was attempting to watch or ambush them, she would also be holding the tools.

Once positions were set, the five set off, they were a few of about thirty members of the ¶oached, however, Kyle believed the group would be fine on their own.

Trekking along the roads, they eventually passed over the hill at the kingdom's entrance, aside from the lake so blue that if you only looked for a second, you would swear it was glowing.

They turned off the path, going into forests outside the kingdom's walls. As they passed through the bright evergreen forest, they found a cave entrance in a small mound, facing the castle walls.

Luther found himself wondering if anyone had ever attempted an invasion through the cave but soon focused back on the mission.

As the group wandered in, the cave seemed more and more artificial, as if it had started as a small crevice before the ₽oachers got to it The walls lined with wood and rope, as if to hold the place together, only further supporting that idea.

As they walked along the dense cave, a door came into sight ahead. Luther reached the door, pulling at the handle 'Locked' he thought.

Roland stepped up, before speaking "We could pry this door open, or tear it off the frame" Unfortunately, despite their decent knowledge of woodwork, neither Luther nor Roland had the tools to break through, they had left them with Alicent.

"Alicent, could you pass us some tools" Roland spoke, Alicent ignored him, she was acting strange, and her actions met with a strange sound. "Alicent?" the man of Christ spoke.

Roland began walking to Alicent, and it was only then Luther realized what she was doing. She was cutting a strand of rope.

fearing the cave may collapse, Luther pushed Roland forward. As he hit the ground, Roland looked like he might have said something, not that Luther could process it.

Something fell from the ceiling, only it wasn't a pile of large rocks cut from the earth, it was a large metal gate that looked ripped straight from a kingdom entrance. A gate built of metal bars looking like dungeon windows.

Roland seemed to realize it as quickly as Luther did, Alicent had betrayed them.

Alicent had giggled for a second before realizing Roland had made it through, though she didn't seem to fear, because as Roland opened his mouth to speak, a crossbow bolt flew through his head, Roland Keeperton was dead before he hit the floor.

Everything was quiet for a second, before giggling filled the room, "To think. The leaders of the ¶oached would be this easy to eliminate" Alicent spoke, stepping towards the cage.

"Alicent" Luther began to speak, venom engulfing his words, but the traitor cut him off "Stop calling me that" she yelled, as if it caused her pain "The names Beatrice Embers, assistant to leader of the ₽oachers" she finished, her manor seemed taunting.

Luther heard grumbles from his side, Athena pulled a knife out and jumped at the traitor, it got through a gap in the bars, but was just out of reach.

And in mere seconds, Athena was on the ground, a bolt through her head.

Only Luther and Kyle remained, unmoving against the traitor. Beatrice giggled again, before tilting her head, making the reddish brown hair they had all grown used to, slip off, revealing sharp white locks, the hair of an immortal.

The traitor spoke again, "As fun as it would be to keep you around Marksman, I afraid your friend and I have some business to discuss"

She pointed the crossbow at Kyle, and with less than seconds to decide, Luther jumped at the man. But Beatrice was too good of a shot, because as Luther looked down at the man under his body, he saw puddles of red form around the blonde. And despite feeling for it, his heartbeat had already left.

Luther looked up to see the killer, she looked like she was about to leave

"I'll be back in a few days, my brother, the true ₽oacher leader, will be with me. There's a cabinet somewhere under you in case you get hungry. Bye for now I suppose" She spoke, not a shred of remorse in her voice.

Luther wanted to fight back, to scream out, but nothing came, he was empty, Luther Trimacia had gotten more people killed.

And as time began to pass, the seasons changed, the world changed, and Beatrice never ended up back in the cave, in fact, nobody did.


Beatrice Embers had always aspired to be like her brother, who despite being four years younger than her, had founded the ₽oachers and been her introduction to Immortals.

It had been about six nightfalls since she locked the ¶oached leaders away, and in that time they had obtained full control of Clauddale; the remaining ¶oached were stomped out soon after.

Tonight her brother had returned, but as he walked into the palace they had now owned, she saw not the mighty Blight Embers that had gone on a month-long surveillance mission. But a broken man, who reminded her of what they were like before they had a purpose.

"Blight, are you okay?" She asked carefully "I got the kingdom for us, we can rule now, I even captured an Imm-" She was cut off "I don't want that, not anymore" he replied, quietly enough that she almost didn't hear it.

"You don't want it? We've spent years on this Blight, what else could you want?" Beatrice spoke, now upset at her brother.

Blight walked over to a window aside from the throne room "Have you ever wondered how many of us there are Bea? Tens, Hundreds, maybe thousands of Immortals? And you know how many it could take to decimate everything anybody has ever seen? One. One Immortal can kill hundreds, one Immortal can kill thousands, one Immortal can kill everything."

Beatrice froze, shocked at her brother's words, "What are you saying?" she basically yelled, "Immortals are a plague to the earth, do you not agree?" He began again, Beatrice couldn't tell what had made him believe this.

"I will offer you a chance, as I once did all those years ago. Come with me, and let us erase the Immortal population from this world together." He spoke, not stating what would happen if she refused.

But she was ready to deal with the consequences, "I refuse," Beatrice said, "I refuse to leave this life behind, to go with whatever your new purpose is."

Things went quiet for just a moment, she turned around to head back to the throne she would now sit in alone, not expecting to feel her brother's sword pierce her chest, or to watch as her consciousness slips away, or to see her brother as a monster for the first time in her life.

Beatrice Embers was dead

[FACT - Despite her Immortal status, Beatrice doesn't actually have White hair, she actually stacked two wigs on her actual red hair to make Luther instantly understand she's an Immortal. You may be asking why, but that's for you to learn later.]

End of Chapter 5

(A/N -  Writer thinks this is the longest he's gone without uploading, in writer's defense, he wrote more than this chapter but decided to save that for a bit later. Cheers to the three people who made it this far, Writer will probably do a check in chapter before the next era begins. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

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