Chapter 2 - To Be ₽oached

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[FACT - Immortals have inhuman observation skills, they are experts at sensing others watching them. However, those senses may overwhelm them, harming their ability to focus on anything else.]

His ears would be ringing from the silence by now, if not for the constant ticks of the clock, perhaps he wishes for someone to come to pull him away from this room, to pull him into a seat and talk to him like this never happened, like he never locked himself in this cell of a room, someone to pull him away from his thoughts.

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

Judging by the knock, he could already tell who it was, they likely sent him ahead to persuade him to open the door. The door is bumped before he hears a soft sliding noise against it,

"I had another nightmare" A familiar voice spoke


The ¶oached Era (The 1400s)

Luther isn't sure how long it's been since he left Trimacia, originally, he marked one of the wooden walls of his cabin with a scratch for each nightfall, however, he only got to 435 marks before the wall was full of them. He's stopped wondering, that era is over, and he (Should have) moved on already.

The morning sun is beginning to rise, despite this Luther has been awake for hours now.

Throughout his time in the cabin, Luther has figured out how to stretch his abilities, he's able to drink non-purified water, and uncooked food, and to survive off less sleep.

Luther stands up from his desk, off the slightly cushioned wooden chair he built soon after arriving here, walking into the main room, he checks his shop's Dropbox to see if anyone would be coming today, there are no letters so he assumes the only people to come by would be lost in the forest.

Luther walks through the house, Despite him living here for quite a while now, the walls are still unfurnished, only repaired from the many years it's been in use. Luther makes his way to the front door.

Grabbing an ax off the nearby rack, Luther came to a nearby bench, and began placing small logs on it for chopping.

Luther began chopping the lumber piece by piece, he admired the ax, still appreciating the person who traded it to him, the ax marked the kingdom the trader was from, CLAUDDALE in smooth yet large letters.

Luther wonders what Clauddale is like from what he's heard Clauddale made it out of the Black Death (Formally known as The Great Mortality to Luther) in a thriving state, but Luther has also heard rumors of crime rising due to... 'Poachers'

Luther is being watched. And now it's all he can think about, waves of nature's voices flickering through his mind like whistles, Judging by the intensity of the waves, he assumes the stalker intends to either kill or rob him, he has no doubt these are the Clauddale Poachers, back again to try their luck, it was probably the same one as the other times.

Luther would kill them, but he'd already wiped out at least two kingdoms, he isn't quite sure how he'd respond if he got even more blood on his hands.

*Pttch* An arrow hits the log next to Luther 'Time to run' Luther bolts around the house, preparing to follow two of the rules he has established since arriving.

Luther looks into the forest, getting a glimpse of the black-haired Poacher whom he had dealt with multiple times now, he mentally marks off the first rule: 'Pretend everyone can kill you, until proven otherwise', Granted, he already knew which Poacher was hunting him before he started running.

Luther retreated inside, attempting to follow rule two, 'Do NOT Let the Existence Of Immortals Become Public Information', he would rather avoid the possibility of a leak coming from him, as well as the unrest in the nearby kingdoms.

Luther checked out his dining room window to see if the Poacher was still there. It got worse, a crossbow bolt went straight through the old boarded-up window, nearly missing Luther's head, and Luther spotted another Poacher, this one with brown hair, 'not an immortal'. The front door started shaking, one was trying to get in.

Luther would have to kill them, or at least knock them unconscious, or, something at least, but he couldn't.

Through the hole in his window, Luther heard a sound, 'growling?' He looks out and observes a sight, 'A wolf? No, this one looks trained, it even has armor, and a rope' Luther thinks, he sees two cloaked figures pull up, friend or for? Luther is unsure, but the Poachers are running away.

Suddenly, the door one Poacher had been pulling on opened, the wolf he saw earlier suddenly ran inside, and lunged its gray and black body towards Luther, only to be pulled back by a rope, a cloaked figure was holding the rope, and attempted to calm the hound gently.

Luther wasn't sure if he could trust these people or not, but he wasn't given much of a choice, because despite the cloaked one's attempt to calm the hound, it lunged again, only this time Luther flinched backward, hitting his head on the shelf behind him.

Luther entirely hoped he could trust these people, those were his last thoughts before he was dragged under the dark covers of unconsciousness.


Luther couldn't remember much of the past day 'Day(s) maybe?', all he knew right now was the room wasn't where he normally wakes up, and the stranger in the cloak standing in front of him, whom he just noticed is wearing a gray and yellow mask.

The figure looked like it was thinking, before realizing Luther was just sitting here confused. "Ah, you're awake" whispered the voice of who Luther would assume to be the cloaked figure in front of him

After observing their cloak, the figure seemed to get an idea, "I should probably take this off, shouldn't I", Again, the voice came by like a whisper, muffled from the mask that covered his face.

The figure removed the mask, and took the hood down, revealing a suspiciously familiar blonde man, with suspiciously familiar gem-like green eyes, the only difference between the person standing in from of him, and the person Luther is currently thinking of is that this one seems more expressive.

It would have tricked him had the original been alive, but perhaps this was his punishment, to meet someone who exactly matches the person who's death he had been responsible for, to meet someone who looks exactly like Finn Valecrest.

It only gets worse when the other figure walks in unmasked, a person who encompasses every physical aspect of Sophie Trimacia.

Perhaps he had died from hitting that shelf, and this was the Hell he'd be forced to endure. Or perhaps this is only the beginning.

[FACT - Immortals may fall unconscious, both by means of sleep, and being knocked out, they still cannot die in this state. Unconsciousness (Minus sleep) is a rare state for Immortals to be put into.]

End of Chapter 2

(A/N, Author is trying to be more detail oriented, Author requests feedback for his current experimentation. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!)

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