Chapter 3 - To Meet 'Again?'

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(A/N - Yes I am using these ¶ ₽ two symbols to represent the two factions despite their real-world application, Fight Me Bitch.)

[FACT - When two Immortals fight, the abilities that keep them alive are disabled, but only to the other Immortal. The disabled effect only works with direct damage methods like knives or firearms, things like poison are too indirect to work.]

[Continued] The ¶oached Era

A normal person would probably appear more shocked to see the long-dead prince of Valecrest, and their similarly dead sister suddenly appear as if they never died in the first place, but Luther is not a normal person.

"Who are you guys?" Luther somehow said calmly. "I'm Kyle Marksman, this is my wife Athena" The blonde spoke in a whisper. "Are you okay?" The blonde whispered with concern.

'No', Luther briefly thought, Unfortunately despite the concern presented by Kyle (Finn?), it's not like Luther could actually speak what was on his mind.

"Well I just woke up in a random person's bed after my home got attacked, so no, I'm not okay.", Luther was probably a bit too sarcastic here, he felt bad soon after saying it, and while the blonde didn't react, his eyes looked slightly hurt.

"Have you heard of the Clauddale ₽oachers?" Luther nodded "Good, those are the guys who attacked you were members of the ₽oachers, The ₽oachers are rising in numbers, and gaining more control of our city. Though the ₽oachers don't normally attack without reason, let alone a small shop in the woods, do you know why they attacked you?" The blonde questioned

"I don't. Wait, you said 'This city', are we in Clauddale?" Luther realized. Kyle (Finn?) spoke again "That's correct, this is Thena and I's house, We're around the mid-outskirts of Clauddale" Noticing Luther's reactions he added, "Been here before?"

"I haven't, in fact I haven't left the forest since… a while" Luther stated 'How long was I there? It all feels like a blur.'

"Oh that's okay, I could give you a tour if you'd like" Kyle (Finn?) whispered, but as if subconsciously rejecting, Luther yawned, the exhaustion and environment only now setting in.

"Actually you should probably get some rest before we leave, It's early in the day so you should wake up with enough time before nightfall." The blonde reasoned, he began to walk away when Luther spoke again.

"I'm glad you guys helped me, but why we're you out there? Especially in… those?" he started, pointing to the camouflage armor suits they were wearing.

Kyle (Finn?) looked like he was about to speak, but was cut off by Athena (Sophie?) "I don't think we can tell him" she spoke, in a more cautious than distrusting tone.

The two stepped just outside Luther's hearing range before coming back after a small discussion. "I'll tell you after the tour." the blonde whispered, though Luther could sense a sad insincerity in his voice.

Kyle (Finn?) left the room, his wife soon joining him after observing Luther for a minute, as if searching for any bad intentions.

Despite his exhaustion, Luther was finally able to take in his surroundings, from the green walls with brown stripes and pillars to the bed that was maybe six times more comfy than his own, and to the hound that startled him earlier, who somehow slept through that entire conversation. Yet Luther only now noticed the ¶ symbol attached to the hound's collar, something that piqued his curiosity.

Despite his curiosity, there wasn't very much he could do, so Luther closed his eyes, letting the darkness take control.


She knew the ¶oached had allocated its leadership to someone outside of Clauddale, From her time undercover in the high ranks of the ¶oached she had learned their name, Valecrest, though she imagined this might be a fake name.

When rumors of a shopkeeper in the forest known as Valecrest began to spread, some of her underlings (Though not too far under, since she was still undercover she couldn't leak anything that could get her caught.) began to pester her about them.

In annoyance, she decided to start sending a few of her ₽oachers to observe the place, She put the ₽oacher, Reynard in charge and stopped caring about it. That is until Reynard reported back this time.

"Madam Embers, Adams and I attacked that house in the forest when two ¶oached members came and fought us back." This grabbed her attention, the odds of the ¶oached leader living in that house had increased, and she decided now was time for her to investigate.

And thus, she arrives at the abandoned cabin, she treads towards the open front doors 'Damn, they've probably moved cabins already, might as well look around.'., she enters, ending up in the living room, not much is different from what you would expect the average cabin to be like, except all the furniture is makeshift.

She investigates a few more rooms, noting scratch marks on one of the walls that seem to mark days. She enters the bedroom, nothing out of the ordinary until she reaches the bed. She pulls out a strand of hair from the bed, but not just any type of hair.

"Reynard" she calls, "Yes Madam Embers" he slithers out as if he were a snake. "Describe the person living here," She asks, "They were male, maybe around Thirty, couldn't catch eye color, maybe red." He stated

"What about their hair?" She questioned, fully knowing what he was about to say

"Oh yeah, they had white hair, kind of like yours."


Luther's eyes slowly opened as the light of the day pierced through, Luther sat up, pushing the thin yet comfortable blanket off of him. It was then he heard someone scramble into the room.

"Oh, your awake" Kyle whispered, rubbing the tiredness out of his eyes, though the bags under them would not be wiped away so easily.

"We last talked yesterday, you've been asleep since then," Kyle noted.

"Sorry," Luther yawned before continuing, "Are you available for touring today?". Despite Kyle's blank face, Luther could see a bit of joy in the man's green, yet ocean-like eyes, which he just noticed retained little blue specks around the middle

"I'll be available after breakfast, Thena should be finished soon, I'll come to get you then."

With that, Luther waited.

[FACT - Immortal can stretch their body's ability to function without sleep for way more longer than the average human, however, this may cause the immortal to sleep for longer periods.]

End of chapter 3

(A/N - Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

Every Hundred Years {Discontinued, Read final part for more information}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon