Chapter 1 - To Live Forever

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(A/N - Writer may be bad at writing accurate history and time period-based speech. Writer may also reiterate points sometimes, Writer apologizes)

[FACT - Most ********s don't even know they are one until they learn it from somewhere else]

It's been hours, at least he thinks it's been. The room shines with darkness, blocking out his ability to see the clock without getting up, which he will not do. The others seem to have left, given he no longer hears knocking. Still, he lies unmoved on his bed, wondering if he can keep doing this, if he'll ever be able to end the cycle, or if it's even worth living at all.

The Trimacia Era (The 1300s)

Luther Trimacia has always been a bit strange, born with Light gray hair fitting of an elder, and a strange compass-like mark on his left shoulder, his eyes were dark gray, unlike his family's yellow. For his strange looks, he had been examined by nobles and priests alike, some claiming him to be sent by God, others claiming he would be a future proxy for Satan, but both were untrue.

Luther was next in line to be King of the Trimacia Empire, there was one problem with that plan though

"It's been two years Luther, two years since your adulthood began, we've given you time to find a proper bride and yet you still come back to me empty-handed, even though your sister's getting married, even if it's to those Valecrests" The King/Luther's father spoke, and to Luther's admission, he was probably right, there's a reason that even from birth Luther's father had been named Legend, though, despite his abilities as King, his children didn't quite do as well.

Luther's sister Sophie Trimacia would be getting married soon... to one of the only kingdoms as small as them within proximity. Despite its leadership, Trimacia isn't a very big empire, so it's quite difficult to find connections to those higher up the chain, and the ones as small as Trimacia still haven't given up hope that they'll be picked by one higher up, most of that hope goes to the kingdom of Clauddale, who despite being very far away will still reach out to kingdoms around the region.

Oh yeah, Luther was talking to his father "I understand father, however, we are still a small kingdom. It may be possible to reach out to others at Sister's wedding, but given the Valecrest's size, I assume most others will be kingdoms like ours. I sincerely appreciate the time I have been given Father." Luther and his father sat quietly for a few seconds, "Fine, I will offer you one last chance. Now go to your room, the carriage will be here in the morning". Luther didn't stay much longer

Heading down the dark halls of the castle, Luther followed the torches illuminating the walls until he got to his room, Luther lay down until sleep came.


Mornings never came easy to Luther, he would often have to wake up hours in advance to function throughout the day, thankfully, the royal guard understood, and would wake him up earlier than others, as well as supply him with news and reports, he would often be more read than others, even other royalty.

Mornings almost always passed by like a blur. Today was no exception, for he could barely remember the time between when he had first awoken, and now as the carriage he was in started moving, heading to the Valecrest Kingdom.

After one night, Luther could finally see the walls that made up the Valecrest Kingdom, The gate opened and they headed inside. A few officials helped stabilize the horses as Luther and Sofie were escorted into the castle, They walked by many houses, some holding red crosses to symbolize they held The Great Mortality, Luther worked closely with a doctor assigned to treating it, his name was Allan.

They introduced themselves and headed inside, a party of higher-ups from either Valecrest or other small kingdoms. Luther chatted up some royal women, though he still lacks experience so he doesn't exactly expect to receive letters any time soon.

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