Chapter 22

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"You're very clingy with Tam." Linh stated as she stared at Tam and Keefe who were sat across from her.
Keefe had his arm around Tam's waist and his head was resting on Tam's shoulder.

"Well, I just want to know how my dear boyfriend is feeling because I am very worried about him!" Keefe exclaimed, lifting his head and pecking Tam's cheek.
Tam's nose scrunched up and he smiled at Keefe.
"I'm fine... Keefe." Tam said softly.
"Now sit up properly at least, you can keep your arm around me but just sit up."
Keefe gently squeezed Tam's waist as he stopped resting his head on Tam's shoulder.

"Awh, I see Linh is getting used to you two being all cutesy together!" Biana exclaimed as she approached the table and sat down beside Linh.
"She hasn't scolded our lovely Keefe yet!"
"Tam is happy with Sencen. I'm gonna try and be less strict with our lovely Keefe." Linh said, glancing at Keefe as she spoke to Biana.
"Ahh, your sister finally approves of our love!" Keefe exclaimed, smiling at Tam.

"Our love?" Tam raised his eyebrows at Keefe.
Keefe sort of tensed up and his cheeks turned red.
"Uhmm- oh! Look! Sophie is coming over!" Keefe exclaimed, slightly thankful that Sophie seemed to come at the right moment.
Keefe felt a lot of nerves from Tam and he gently squeezed Tam's waist in comfort.

Biana and Linh looked at Sophie as she came over and stood by the table. Sophie fiddled with her cape as she looked at Tam.
"Yesterday-" Sophie began, taking a deep breath.
"I don't want to talk to you." Tam stated, staring up at Sophie.
"You have not been nice to me for a few weeks now and... yesterday really made me have a whole lot of self-doubt about Keefe and how he truly felt about me."

Sophie scoffed slightly.
"Let me apologise at least-" Sophie attempted to speak.
"I'm not accepting any apology from you." Tam said.
"You're Keefe's ex, I understand that I may have had a role to play for that to have happened, but yesterday was a little too far."

Sophie looked at Keefe and Keefe shrugged at her.
"Like I said, he doesn't accept your apology, neither do I." Keefe stated.
Tam raised an eyebrow at Keefe but Keefe stared at Sophie.
"... Mmh. Still, I'm sorry, to both of you. I'll be on my way now." Sophie said.
Sophie then looked at Biana and Linh.
She gave them a little wave and Biana and Linh waved back before Sophie left.

"You and Sophie talked?" Tam questioned, looking at Keefe.
"She tried to apologise to me yesterday when I was home." Keefe explained.
"I told her that she had to apologise to you, not me, and that I'd only forgive her if you'd forgive her."
Tam raised his eyebrows and he blinked at Keefe.

"Wait, what happened for Sophie to apologise to you guys?" Biana asked, clearly confused.
"Sophie caught them making out yesterday." Linh said, looking at Biana.
"She said something, Tam's heart was broken, he ran off, Keefe ran after him, and then they spent the rest of the day at some sort of river in a forest."
Linh shot a glare at Keefe and Keefe grinned nervously.

"I was comforting my boyfriend in a beautiful place, why must you glare at me?" Keefe questioned, not liking how Linh glared at him.
"Cause you took my brother away from his studies yesterday." Linh huffed.
"One day of ditching isn't going to affect his grades!" Keefe exclaimed.
"Well, how many days have you ditched Foxfire, and how are your grades?" Linh questioned.
"Well, I-" Keefe began.

Tam sighed and he shook his head.
"Stop it, please." Tam said, sort of mumbling it.
Keefe looked at Tam and Tam flopped his head onto Keefe's shoulder.
Keefe frowned and he kissed Tam's head.
"You okay, dear?" Keefe asked softly.
"Dear?" Linh raised her eyebrows.
Tam's cheeks turned red from Keefe calling him 'dear'.

"I'm just mentally exhausted." Tam said, answering Keefe.
"Mmh... you wanna ditch-?" Keefe began.
"Keefe!" Linh frowned.
"I was joking!" Keefe exclaimed, looking at Linh.
Linh squinted her eyebrows at Keefe.
"No one believes that, Keefe." Biana stated, staring at the Empath.
Biana then looked at Tam.

"Seriously though, anything we can do to help out?" Biana asked.
Tam shrugged.
"I'm happy just resting on my boyfriend." Tam said.
Keefe felt himself smile and he held Tam closer to him.
"Awh, glad to know I help~" Keefe sighed out softly.
Tam smiled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm coming over to the Shores of Solace later on." Tam said, snuggling closer to Keefe.

"I thought we were studying today?" Linh questioned.
"You can study with Marella. I'll study with Keefe." Tam said, looking at Linh.
"Ugh, we're gonna study?" Keefe frowned.
"... Yeah, we're going to 'study'. " Tam stated, lifting his head and looked at Keefe.
Keefe raised his eyebrows.

"Study with Marella? Me? Alone? With Marella?" Linh questioned, staring at Tam.
Tam smiled at Linh.
"Maybe you could make a move." Tam suggested.
"Actually try and show her that you're into her rather than pining for her silently?"

"Woah! Woah! Our Linh likes Marella?!" Keefe gasped, looking at Linh.
"That's insane-!"
"Can you please quiet down??" Linh questioned, her cheeks turning red.
"I don't want the whole school to know!"
Keefe smiled.
"I'm just very surprised!" Keefe exclaimed.

"Marella, huh? You Song twins have a thing for blondes with ice blue eyes, don't you?" Biana questioned, glancing between Tam and Linh.
Tam and Linh looked at each other, clearly unsure how they felt about what Biana pointed out.
"... Erm..." Tam cleared his throat.
"Biana, please don't make that point ever again." Linh said, frowning at Biana.
Biana shrugged.
"I'm not wrong..." Biana mumbled.

"Uh, anyway! Where's our Fitzy and Dex?"
"Oh those two? Yeah, they're definitely making out somewhere."
"Hopefully none of their exes ruins the moment for them..."
"... Now I wanna ruin their make out sesh."
"Keefe, please no-"


Word count: 1016

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