Chapter 18

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"I don't understand how you want me to gossip and talk about how my date went with Keefe while you also try and prevent us from speaking to each other." Tam stated as he shut his locker and looked at Linh who rifled through her locker.
"I like to hear how happy you are after pining for Keefe for months and being all depressed thinking he'd never like you! And I am simply doing my duty as a sister to ensure he doesn't hurt you!" Linh smiled at Tam.
"... You literally took away my imparter yesterday so I couldn't hail or message my boyfriend." Tam raised an eyebrow.
"Protective sisterly things!" Linh exclaimed.

Tam rolled his eyes and before he could turn around, a pair of hands rested on his waist. Tam felt himself smile as he turned around and faced Keefe.
"Hi, Keefe." Tam said, gently rested his hands over Keefe's.
"Hiya Tammy." Keefe smiled at his boyfriend.
"No kissing while I'm here!" Linh exclaimed, glancing at the two boys.
"... Now I want to kiss Tam even more." Keefe said, looking at Linh.
"Don't rile up my sister." Tam said, causing Keefe to look back at him.
"Whatever you say~" Keefe smiled at Tam.

"I have never seen Keefe so obediant."
Tam looked over to see Fitz and Dex approaching them.
"What have you done with Keefe, Song?" Fitz raised an eyebrow at Tam.
"No idea." Tam shrugged, gently taking Keefe's hands off of his waist and interlocking their fingers instead.
"He casted a spell on me! " Keefe exclaimed, being dramatic.
Fitz smiled and Dex rolled his eyes.

"Tam, there's still time for you to break up with him and not get into a huge commitment with him." Dex said.
"Haha, you're starting to sound like Linh." Tam smiled.
Keefe frowned at Dex and at his boyfriend.
"Why does everyone hate me dating Tam?" Keefe asked.

"Woah, woah! You two are dating?!"
Keefe flinched and Tam sort of jumped as Biana appeared next to them.
"Uh, yeah." Tam smiled at Biana.
"Keefe asked me out on Friday."
Biana smiled at Keefe.
"Did you do it like we planned?" Biana asked.
"Uhm... W-Well..." Keefe grimaced.
"If shoving me in the ocean, me dragging him down in the water with me and then kissing was the plan, then yes. He did." Tam said, looking at Biana.

Biana blinked at Tam before glaring at Keefe.
"... Keefe!" Biana scowled.
Keefe grabbed Tam by the shoulders and hid behind him.
"I swear it was still super romantic!" Keefe exclaimed, holding Tam tightly and still cowering behind him.
Tam rolled his eyes as he smiled at Biana.
"It was actually quite romantic." Tam said, nodding.
Biana glanced at Keefe before looking at Tam.
"You sure you're not saying this to save your new boyfriends butt?" Biana asked.
"I'm very sure." Tam nodded again.

Biana looked back at Keefe and Keefe crouched down slightly, hiding behind Tam's shoulder.
"Fine. You're safe for now, Hunkyhair." Biana said, crossing her arms.
Keefe let out a sigh of relief and got up.
"Oh, you're amazing." Keefe said, hugging Tam from behind now.
Tam's cheeks turned red and he laughed nervously.

"Haha, and apparently you're afraid of Biana." Tam said, looking at Keefe who rested his head on Tam's shoulder.
"... I grew up with that girl." Keefe said, glancing at Biana.
"She is terrifying."
"Thank you." Biana smiled at Keefe.

"Does Sophie know you two are together?" Dex asked, tilting his head at Keefe and Tam.
Tam glanced at Keefe and Keefe smiled.
"Yeah, uh... sort of?" Keefe shrugged.
"All she knows is that I was going to ask Tam to experiment with me. Plus, I haven't really spoken to her since... the uh, break up."

"Well, she'll find out when she finds you guys making out somewhere." Fitz shrugged.
Tam's cheeks turned red and Linh scowled.
"Fitz! My brother is not that uncivilised!" Linh exclaimed.

Keefe bit his inner cheek and sort of smiled to himself. He leaned in closer to Tam's ear.
"Think you can skip your second lesson to meet up with me in the library?" Keefe whispered.
Tam's eyes slightly widened and he gulped before slightly nodding. Keefe smiled and kissed Tam's cheek.

"... Yeah, your brother is not that uncivilised at all... "Dex furrowed his eyebrows at the couple.
Tam averted his gaze and Keefe grinned at Dex.
Linh raised her eyebrows.
" What does that-? "Linh began.
" Nothing, we should get to our lessons!" Tam exclaimed, taking Keefe's hands away from him.

Tam turned around and smiled at Keefe.
" See you soon. "
" Oh, I'll see you very soon." Keefe winked, grinning at Tam.
Tam cleared his throat as he grabbed Linh by her arm and dragged her away.

Keefe looked at Fitz, Biana and Dex who were staring at him.
"How come we never realised how in love you are with Tam?" Biana tilted her head at Keefe.
"I didn't realise it until recently!" Keefe shrugged as he began to walk off.
Fitz sighed and he smiled at Dex.
"I'll see you later, dear." Fitz said, pecking Dex's cheek.
Dex smiled at Fitz.
"Bye." Dex waved at Fitz as Fitz followed behind Keefe towards where their lessons were going to be held.

"You are really comfortable with Tam though." Fitz said as he shoved his hands into his pockets.
"You must've had feelings for him for a while now."
"I'll be honest, I think I always had feelings for him." Keefe said, looking at Fitz.
"I just... never realised it and thought I hated him."
Fitz raised his eyebrows.

"You're an Empath, you can tell what everyone else is feeling and yet you can't tell what you yourself are feeling."
"... It's weird, isn't it? Now, I am going to ditch both my first and second lesson! I'll see you around, Fitzroy!"
"What-? Keefe! Go to your lessons-!?"
"Nah, I'm good!!"


Word count: 988

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