Chapter 2

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You ever think about how things are going for Tam Song?
Yeah, it's not as if it's the best or the worst time of his life.

He's back in Foxfire with Linh and the rest of the gang, which is good other than the fact that there are people who hate him.
Well, it's mostly the guys who don't like Tam. They like to pick on him or slip things into his locker. Meanwhile, the girls are in love with him, I mean Tam is literally up in the ranks with Fitz and Keefe, which is sort of crazy.

You'd expect Tam to like the female attention, right? You're wrong. Tam did not have any sort of attraction to women. Tam is a gay man. And of course the guys at Foxfire either hate him, don't care or are straight and have a girlfriend so he can't go up and confess his feelings and ruin someone's relationship.


Okay, so maybe Tam did have a crush on someone.

If you couldn't guess, Tam had a crush on the one and only Keefe Sencen.
But hey, Keefe is a heterosexual guy and he is dating the girl he's pined for for like years. Tam couldn't just go up to the empath and say, 'I like you in romantic sense, here think about your relationship with Sophie and also let me know if you actually aren't straight so we could get together!'
That's just not the right thing to do.
Especially since Keefe seemed so happy at the moment, with everything and his relationship with Sophie.

Only one person knew of Tam's crush and that was Linh, his twin sister. Linh would've figured it out eventually anyway. She's kept quiet about it and listens to Tam if he needs to cry or vent about it.
Tam cries about it a little too often...
When you're a gay guy and you see your straight crush all lovey dovey and happy with his girlfriend, you tend to cry and need to release those types of emotions somehow.

Well, I guess Tam had someone else he could share this information with. Recently, he and Biana have been getting closer. Not in a weird romantic way, cause well Tam's gay and Biana didn't seem to have a thing for him.
Sometimes Tam would go over to Everglen and hang out with Biana, especially if Linh went over as well.
Sometimes Biana would convince Tam to let her paint some nail polish on his hands but he'd take it off as soon as he and Linh got back to Solreef to make sure no one would... well, be an asshole towards him about it.

Tam was never too comfortable with Sophie, she was just... always a bit too much. And plus she's Keefe's girlfriend now, he'd rather not get too friendly and hear her gossip about Keefe being her boyfriend and how great he is.

Tam was okay with Fitz, it's not as if they were like super friendly but if Tam went over to Everglen, they'd sometimes hang for a bit but never too long.

Tam had a feeling about Dex also perhaps being apart of the LGBTQ+. Tam's gaydar isn't the best but there was this one time Tam caught Dex sort of staring at Fitz with a strange emotion in his eye, so Tam automatically assumed.
Perhaps he shouldn't but, one time he and Dex both locked eyes when someone mentioned one of them needing to get a girlfriend soon and it's like they had a telepathic understanding why they didn't have a girlfriend yet or at all.
They haven't spoken about it, nor had the time to.

But yeah, thing's were okay for Tam.
He wasn't expecting anything good nor anything that would be absolutely horrible to experience again, so Tam was okay with it being fine.

Everything was just... simple.


Word count: 650

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