Eirina Learns to Hate the Thrill Ride o Love

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Eira's eyes finally flew open and she gasped heavily for air. Only her upper body was on the platform. She raised herself up on her arms before glancing over at Percy, who was a little ways away from her, also panting heavily, despite being the son of the sea god. She stared at him, full of disbelief.

"Did you just use your powers on me?" she finally asked.

"No?" Percy answered, though he, too, was hesitant. "I don't know? I'm trying to figure it out as I go."

Slowly, they stood up before looking in front of them. A large chair made of pure gold stood in front of them. Next to the chair stood a statue where Ares' shield was held. Eira furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"How the hell are we going to get that down?" she finally asked.

"These two things are connected, somehow," Percy answered. "It's a machine. The chair, it was a gift with a hidden purpose. Hephaestus offered it to Hera. But, as soon as she sat on it, she couldn't get up. All the gods and goddesses tried, but it was too strong. The machine was too smart. It was too strong, even for them. Finally, they said that he freed Hera, they'd give him Aphrodite to be his wife. The chair was a bargain. One of us goes in, and the other gets the shield."

Eira could feel her throat closing. Tears threatened to spill. But she was not going to let Percy see her react this way. She did not want to deal with this. She knew that Percy had to be the one to survive. She knew she was holding her friend back, anyways. She finally stepped forward, accepting her fate.

"I'll do it."

Percy immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her back, a stunned look on his face.

"What?! No! Wait a minute!"

"Whoever is going in isn't coming back out. That part seems pretty much clear. We all knew that I was a burden to this group, anyways. I'm useless to this quest. We all know that by now. This is not the Arch, Seaweed Brain. You can't stop me this time!"

"Yes, you will! You're better at this than I am!" His voice became softer and trembling slightly. Eira could feel the tears coming to her eyes again. "And you know it, Rina."

She didn't have any words. She hung her head, trying to block the tears. She was a daughter of Apollo. She would not cry in front of Percy. Percy sighed before digging into his pockets for his pen/sword. He slowly handed it to the girl in front of her. That was when Eira couldn't hold in the tears any more. She looked up at the boy before taking the pen slowly. He smiled slightly at her before turning to face his fate. But before he went even further, he turned to face Eira gain.

"Just promise me one thing."

"I'm not leaving the Underworld without your mom."

Percy chuckled, grateful that Eira finally understood why he went on this quest in the first place. He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt.

"What I meant to ask was, when you guys are done, could you maybe stop by and try and get me out of this thing?"

Eira chuckled wetly.

"You really think that you had to ask?" she tried to tease.

Percy smiled. "Just making sure."

He turned and sat down in the chair. Slowly, golden tendrils began to snake its way around Percy's body. Percy frowned.

"This is weird," he finally commented. "It's, like. . . . warm, almost."

Eira couldn't stand it. She was getting terrified for Percy.

"Percy, this is a bad idea. Stand up," she pleaded frantically.

"I —I can't."

"Stand up, Percy! I mean it!"

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