Svetlana Feels Sympathy For the New Boy

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Sveta cautiously walked into the room where she had placed the unconscious boy in. The boy was still knocked out, in the same exact position she had placed him in earlier in the day. She smiled sadly at him before taking her place in the same chair that other people had sat in while watching over the boy in case he woke up.

Lightning flashed through the sky, followed by a loud, deep rumble of thunder, causing her to cringe. She kept an anxious eye on the boy in hopes that he would wake up. 

Zeus must be angry again, the girl couldn't help but think to herself.

She sighed and leaned back against her chair. Through the flashes of lightning, the girl could see the boy a bit more clearly. She frowned and sat up more when she noticed that his face looked a bit flushed, as though he was having a fever. His breathing seemed to have quickened, and he had a pained look on his face. He whimpered slightly, his eyes squeezed tightly shut. 

She frowned. Carefully, she brushed back his bangs and placed a gentle hand on his forehead. Her eyes went wide when she noticed how warm his skin felt against the back of her hand. She quickly got up and made her way to the infirmary's kitchenette. She searched through the cabinet and found a washcloth. She ran water in the sink before dampening the washcloth. The girl walked back over towards the boy and carefully placed the washcloth on his forehead to help ease the fever.

Nothing much happened during the next couple of hours, until she noticed him beginning to shift, as though waking up. She felt relieved, until she noticed his head lolling sharply to the side. His breathing became short and uneven. He clenched his fists. His body twitched and he whimpered.

Sveta leapt to her feet and her demigod senses immediately went into action. She removed the damp washcloth and put a gentle hand on the boy's forehead, and the other hand in his. It took awhile for the unconscious boy to wake up.

But in the end, she finally got him awake. The boy's eyes trailed on to the girl's face. Her face seemed fuzzy to him. But he could distinctly make out the features of a slim body, blue eyes, and wavy blonde hair.

"Hey," he distinctly heard her say softly. He thought that her voice sounded sweet and reassuring. Her touch felt comforting to him. "It's okay. You're safe."

The boy wanted to sit up. He moved his hands and Svetlana let them go. He tried sitting up on his own, only to feel a white-hot flash of pain shoot through his entire body. The feeling made him cry out and fall onto the mattress again. After a couple of more failed tries, she came in and came to his aid. She struggled to get him in the position that he wanted.

 In the end, he only managed to rest his head against the girl's shoulder, panting heavily and trembling quite badly. She could feel the heat of the fever from the boy's body. Frowning, she placed a gentle hand on the boy's forehead. Her eyes widened as she realized that she couldn't help him on her own. She needed help. Keeping a firm, gentle hand on the boy's forehead, she called frantically for help. 

"Healers?! I need Healers, please!" To the whimpering, panting boy she added quietly, "It'll be okay. I just called for help." 

Shortly after Sveta's plea for help, another sleepy-looking Healer came around with a tray of whatever the boy needed to help heal his injuries and fever. She distracted the boy from the pain by rocking his body back and forth, giving him slow sips of nectar from a straw, and humming soft, comforting tunes to him in hopes to calm him down.

Shortly after the boy had received his treatments and finished the goblet of nectar, he could feel the pain slowly leaving his body. He managed to relax, still leaning against the girl's shoulder. He still trembled, but not as badly as earlier. He finally went unconscious once more. And, for some reason, he felt oddly safe in the girl's presence. 

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