Svetlana Reveals That She Is the Daughter of Apollo

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"Percy!" said Grover frantically as they approached the Big House.

Mr. D, Dionysus, peered at them over his sunglasses.

"Percy, a word with you?" said Grover nervously.

"— But did you?" Percy sassed.

"Hey!" said Sveta sharply, catching Percy's attention. "Percy, you really don't want to get started with this guy."

"He's starting it with me!" Percy shot back.

"I know. But, trust me. You really don't want to argue with him. It's not going to get you anywhere. And, besides! The person you're arguing with is our Camp Director, Mr. D."

"Mr. D?" Percy echoed, confused.

"Percy, the 'D' stands for Dionysus. That's Dionysus!" She pointed in the direction where Dionysus sat, still lazing back, a Diet Dr. Pepper in his hands.

"Dionysus? As — As in the wine god?" Percy whispered back.

"Yes. And I promise you, you don't want to start with this guy," Sveta reassured him. "Next time, try to please show a bit more respect to him? You really don't wanna get on a god's bad side."

Percy glanced over at Dionysus, and then back at the girl in front of him.

"Mr. D, I really want to apologize," said Sveta in a formal voice. "But, Mr. D, this is Percy Jackson. Percy, this is Mr. D. Camp Director. Also known as Dionysus."

"Yeah. I've already heard his name the first time, Serena Keaton," he answered sarcastically, completely getting Svetlana's full name wrong. She inhaled sharply and clicked her tongue, biting back an insult.

"You know what?" she said as she tried to not let her anger build up. "I think that I'm gonna go."

She could hear Mr. D laughing as she turned on her heel, walking away towards the Hermes cabin. She hung around there a lot, especially since her best friend, Luke Castellan, ran the cabin. She yawned as she walked inside. Half of the people in Hermes cabin glanced over at her, half-expecting the girl to be another unclaimed. But once they recognized her, they went back to whatever she was doing.

Sveta approached Luke, who was sitting next to Chris Rodriguez, fellow Hermes sibling. Chris noticed her approaching, and tapped Luke on the shoulder before pointing in Sveta's direction. Luke brightened upon seeing her and approached the Cabin 7 girl.

"Hey, Sveta," he greeted, pulling her into a hug.

"Hi," she responded tiredly.

"How's the new kid?"

"Seems to be adjusting just fine. A bit moody because he just lost his mother. But seems fine."

"Did he have any problems with Mr. D?"

She laughed.

"Almost. But Grover and I managed to pull him out of it. Once he figured out who he was talking to, he behaved."

"And I'm guessing that he still calls you Serena Keaton and not Katherine Keegan?"

"I almost blew up on him, not gonna lie," she admitted. "But I left before I said anything rash."

"Wise choice. So do you know when the new kid is arriving?"

"I wouldn't be surprised of Chiron came in and introduced him to us."

As though on cue, a shadow covered the doorway, meaning that Chiron had arrived with Percy at his side. The boy looked so embarrassed about being introduced to an entire cabin, that he kept his head down. And she didn't blame him.

No one seemed very surprised that they had another unclaimed child in their presence. Sveta watched, feeling horrible for the boy as he walked towards his sleeping bag. She felt even worse when she watched him pull out a bag of blue jelly beans. Luke and Chris must have realized who she was staring at because they began to murmur to each other.

"That must be the kid that killed the Minotaur," Chris murmured softly.

The duo began to walk over towards Percy, but Sveta grabbed Luke's wrist sharply, making him stop.

"Please don't be too hard on him," she pleaded quietly. "It's only his first day. He's probably scared and confused. He doesn't need to be bullied."

"Trust me, Sveta. I know exactly what I'm doing," Luke reassured her.

Sveta trailed behind Luke and Chris. Percy stood up and immediately tensed, as though afraid someone was going to attack him.

"Listen, I'm new here. I'm tired from the recent events. So, if you wanna try and pick a fight with me, can you at least do that tomorrow? Or next week, even?  I've had a really long day already."

Sveta couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy. She found herself asking what the hell this innocent boy had gone through to survive this. 

"We're not going to pick fights on you," Luke reassured him. "I heard about what happened to your Mom on that Hill. I just wanna say . . . . I'm really sorry for what happened." He stuck his hand out slowly, to not startle Percy. "I'm Luke Castellan."

Percy eyed the hand in front of him, as though debating if he should trust Luke or not. Finally, he stuck his hand out as well, shaking each other's hands.

"Percy. . . ."

His eyes travelled over towards the girl in between Luke and Chris. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before recognizing her.

"Hey, I know you," he finally blurted out.

Sveta frowned, pretending to be confused.

"Know me?" she echoed. "How?"

"You were there that night at the Infirmary, taking care of me. You sang me a lullaby to calm me down while others people  were trying to heal me, didn't you?"

She smiled, a warm feeling suddenly spreading throughout her chest. She wasn't sure if Percy would be able to remember her or not. He looked like he was in so much pain at the time when they first met.

"Yes. I didn't think that you'd remember me or not. I'm Svetlana Keegan."

"Not Serena Keaton?"

"No, that's just a name that Mr. D gave me." She rolled her eyes. "He likes messing people's names up on purpose just to get them pissed off."

"Are you an unclaimed, or — ?"

The girl shook her head, smiling softly.

"No. Apollo is my father. The ultimate god of healing, music, archery . . . . that kind of stuff. Nothing extraordinarily important."

"Archery?" Percy repeated, sounding nervous. "That — That sounds dangerous."

"Depends on how you do it, and how skilled you are," Svetlana responded, smiling.

"Can you show me tomorrow, maybe?"

Sveta  laughed.

"Maybe tomorrow. Why don't you go rest up? It's your first day, and we've got a busy day ahead of us tomorrow."

The Sun and the Sea || PJ x OC (Disney+)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora