Chapter 02 - If you could see

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I just got home from uni and was doing the dishes, blasting to Arctic Monkeys, when my phone rang. It was Jack.

"What do you want?"

"Ouch" he was out of breath. "Open the door, I'm here"

"You have the key!" I dropped a spoon and cleaned my hands, running to the door. I opened and found Jack covered in sweat, wearing his running clothes. "Why did I bother to give you the key if you never use it?"

"I always forget to put on my keychain, sorry!" he cried, entering and hugging me.

"No!" I screamed when I felt how sweaty he was. He let me go after I pulled his hair. "Asshole"

"Do you have any food? I'm starving" he said dramatically and went to the fridge.

I did the dishes while he ate two pieces of cold pizza and kept changing my music. I was now getting ready to go to bed and he was annoying the shit out of me saying he didn't feel like going home and wanted to sleep here. He was singing, very loudly, on the other side of the door while I was taking a shower. I dressed in sweatpants and a Canucks shirt that I stole from Quinn last Christmas. I got out of the bathroom and he stopped in the middle of Paradise City. We stared at each other in silence.

"Why the hell are you wearing Quinn's number?"

"What? It's comfy" I grabbed my phone and it had a text from Quinn.

"You have a Devils shirt with my number that is much comfier! You traitor!"

"Then use it" he gasped, offended, while I answered the text. "Do you wanna sleep on the floor or on the couch? Because the sofa got quite small for you after you grew those inches–"

"Nah, let's just share your bed as we did as kids"
I stopped texting and looked him in the eyes, searching for signs of a joke. He was stretching and yawning.

"Sure" my voice got high but he said nothing, just went to the bathroom to take a shower. I was static in the middle of my room. My phone buzzed as Quinn sent another text. I shook my head and started looking for one more duvet since it was quite a cold night and he had the tendency to pull everything to himself. My mind was foggy when he got out of the bathroom wearing only a towel. I felt my cheeks warming up and I just tried to appear calm but my heart was pounding.

"Where's that shorts I left here last time?" he plopped on the bed. I got it for him plus the Devils shirt he talked about earlier. He pouted, staring at my shirt. "Treason"

"You sure you want to sleep here?" my voice was barely a whisper. "I mean, I can sleep on the couch if you–"

"Are we really doing this?" he sighed. "We have known each other our whole lives, Mia. You saw me naked already–"

"Do not speak of that day, it was an accident!" I screamed covering my face with my hands and he laughed.

"You know what I mean" he stood up and walked back to the bathroom. He stopped by the door and looked back at me, a coy smile on his lips. "I could change in front of you, you already saw everything, right?"

"God!" I threw a pillow at him.

I went around the apartment turning the lights off, checking if the door was locked and to drink some water. When I came back to my room, Jack was laying in the middle of the bed. I locked the door and jumped on the bed, pulling him to the side. He was heavy so he didn't move an inch. I tickled him until he rolled to the side.

"You're so annoying" I whispered while covering myself and turning the lamp off.

"It's a gift" he yawned. I turned my back to him, remembering I still had a message from Quinn.
"You haven't stopped texting since I got here" he complained. "Who are you talking to that's more important than your best friend?"

YOU BELONG WITH ME // Jack HughesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora