Chapter 183: Let's be heroes. (part 1)

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We see Jacob being chased by a pack of Xenomorph-looking aliens. While he was running, he was having a fearful look on his face and saw a cave in his path, which made him run inside as the xenomorph-looking aliens follow him inside

In the cave, Jacob was running deep inside of it until he came across a dead end, mainly because he saw a wooden sign saying ''Dead End'' painted on it

Jacob: (growled in frustration)

Then he hears growling from the xenomorph-looking aliens as the alpha screeched at Jacob, who had dots for eyes

Jacob: ok, I think it's best to cut this adventure short so that way my lovers won't flip out at me for being gone for too long, even though my kids are very close to being born.

He then summoned a UNSC Magnum and shot at the cave ceiling as it crumbled and a cave spike fell on the alpha's head, killing it while Jacob used his portal gun and shot a blue portal and flipped the aliens off

Jacob: Boom.

Then he jumped into the portal as it closed shut from behind him, stunning the aliens at witnessing their alpha being killed


In the McFoley family's garage, we see Jacob emerge from the portal as he was then greeted by Juvia as she tackled him from behind him

Juvia: hello, my love.

Jacob sighed and smiled

Jacob: Juvia, how many times have I told you about-

Then he widened his eyes in surprise at noticing Juvia's new look

(looks like this)

Jacob: did you get a new look while I was gone?

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Jacob: did you get a new look while I was gone?

Juvia nodded

Juvia: I did, thank you for noticing.

She said with a cute smiled, making Jacob chuckle until he remembered something

Jacob: hey, do you know where the others are?

Juvia: I think they're outside playing in the snow.

Jacob: okay, thanks sweetie.

Juvia blushed as she and Jacob opened the garage door and see Mavis (who's wearing snow boots), Neo, Wendy Marvell, Katie & Marcy having fun playing in the snow and being happy.

Ever since Jacob & the groups returned to Earth with Lucy, Erza, Juvia, Mirajane, even some of the guild members tagged along with them, Jacob explained everything to Joe Biden that their mission went fine as he talked about a way to teleport people from Earth to EarthLand. Joe asked why Natsu was sick until Uzi explained to him about his motion sickness. Then Jacob had this idea to cure Natsu's sickness and he was happy that he can ride in vehicles without puking ever again. Joe was glad to hear and promise to make peace to their home. So, after 2 weeks the fairy tail group was happy to go back to their home for their job and Lucy decided to move to Jacob place with the others of course. Lucy's landlord was sad that she had to go but she did say she'll visit sometimes and is glad that she paid her rent. Which brings us to now as Jacob noticed a box and as he picked it up, Juvia opened it and sees Fat Nuggets, who stared at the two and jumped out from the box as he ran inside and went up the stairs

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