Chapter 6: The final fight and a confession

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It was late at night. Midnight was in Jason's car, with Andy and Jason. They were driving to the creel house, that's where the gang were trying to end everything.

Jason was driving like a maniac, midnight hadn't even tried to explain the situation to Jason or the other jocks because she knows they'll turn on her and take everything out on her.

They arrive at the creel house and midnight sees Erica Sinclair, Lucas' younger sister. Andy gets out of the car and chases after her, he caught up to her and tackles her to the ground. Jason grabs midnight's hand and the both go in the house. Jason was holding midnight behind him and was holding a gun in front of him. They go to the attic and they saw saw Max and Lucas. "Oh god.." Lucas said. "The hell have you done..?" He lets go of midnight and slowly walks toward Max. "Is this what you did to Chrissy?" He walks closer to max, midnight slowly following behind. "Jason.. Midnight, both of you need to go." Lucas says. Jason doesn't listen and slowly crouched down to Max. "Hey.. hey, can you hear me?" He says putting his hands out, not touching her. "Jason.. stop.. you need to leave.." "hey.." "Jason.. Jason, please!" He walks to Jason, Jason quickly gets up and put his gun up. "Hey! Turn around.. drop everything.. drop everything!" Lucas nods and dropped everything. "Okay.. good.. here's what's gonna happen.. I'm gonna back away to the top of the stairs.. and I'll watch as you watch her up from whatever the hell this is."

Midnight crouches next to max. Lucas slowly turns around to face Jason. "Jason.. please.. you have to listen.. if we wake her up.. everyone is gonna die.." Lucas said with his hands up. "No, if you don't wake her up.. you die, Sinclair. Only you." He clicks his gun.

Midnight was shaking, she didn't know what to do. She was scared for max, but she wouldn't wake her up. Lucas backs up with Jason, looking at him with murder in his eyes. "I knew you were hiding Eddie. I should've never let you through the door." He says. "He was one the murdered Chrissy.. Patrick.." "No, Jason! He didn't! Chrissy just went to Eddie because she was upset-" "LIAR! If something was wrong with Chrissy.. if she was upset, SHE WOULD'VE CAME TO ME!"

As he looks like he was about to shoot Lucas, Lucas tackles him to the ground, shooting his gun at the ceiling. Jason drops the gun, midnight was looking at the altercation between the two then at the dropped gun. "Midnight, break the gun!" Lucas shouted. "Don't do it, midnight! We're so close to getting Eddie!" Jason shouts while fighting Lucas.

Midnight was shaking. She was scared, she knew what to do, but it would hurt her. She walks up to the gun and steps on the gun, breaking it. "Midnight!! Why would you do that?! He killed Chrissy.. he killed Patrick, he could kill-" Mid sentence, Jason gets punched by Lucas, knocking him out. She puts his arm over his shoulder, walking Jason near some boxes. Midnight looks at max and saw her floating. "Lucas! Max is floating!" He and midnight quickly ran to the Walkman and pushed play, playing 'Running up that hill' by Kate bush.

She comes back down, with max and Lucas holding her. "Max, are you okay?!" The start asking her questions and max holds onto them. "M-my legs hurt but.. I think we got him.." Max says looking at them. "We did?! Oh my gosh, we actually killed Vecna for real!" All three of them smile, then the gang comes in and they're so happy knowing that max is safe and happy.

Max is carried out by Lucas, while Jason is draped over midnight's shoulder. While the gang goes in one ambulance, midnight and Andy, put Jason in another ambulance. She looks out the window and see Dustin cry over Eddie being taken away the police, she tears up, but there's nothing they can do but pray Eddie's gonna be okay.

While at the hospital. Nancy, Steve and Robin approach midnight. "Hey." Nancy speaks up, midnight looks at them. "Hey.." She says back, flatly.
Nancy sat next to her. "We are really sorry for how we treated you earlier.. I guess Jason's actions are justified.." She says, holding her sister's hand. "In some sort of twisted way." Robin says. "He's not entirely excused, he did try kill someone, but any of us would do the same thing." Steve adds. Midnight smiles. "I think I should be the one apologizing, I did go behind your back's and helped the enemy.." Nancy smiles and hugs her. "Max is doing great, by the way. She's really happy you and Lucas were there, she'll be out later on tonight or tomorrow morning." Nancy adds. "Thank you, nance.." she smiles, then a nurse walks up to them. "Are you all here for Jason carver?" "No, just her." Steve points at midnight. Midnight blushed softly.

The nurse motions midnight follow her. "He's doing great.. he just got a concussion when he hit his head, but he should be fine and he's awake." That's good.." she says. The nurse opens the door to his room and closes the door. Midnight walks to him and looks at him.


"Hey, mid.."

She walks closer and sat next to a chair near his bed. "I am really sorry for what happened.. I'm so sorry I betrayed you.." she says. "I can't believe you would do that, I thought we were doing so great, getting along, not fighting and no name calling.. why would you do that?" "Just something told me if I didn't do anything, something would happen.. and to be honest.. I didn't want anything to happen to you because I don't want to see you hurt, or dead."

Jason smiled weakly. "I want the same thing for you. I didn't want to see you hurt, or dead. And being with you means I can do anything.. after everything.. when I spent time with you, I realize I wanted you to be in my life.. to be my girl.."

Midnight blushed and looks at him, smiling. "I love you too." She holds his hand. "Tell you what, when I get out of here, I'll take you out, how does that sound?" He asks. "I love that idea." She held his hand tightly. "I hope I recover soon." He slowly rises up and gives her a soft kiss on the lips.

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