Chapter 1: The game

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Hawkins, Indianapolis. 1986. Wheeler's Household.

It was a warm spring morning on a Friday, just a day before spring break started, how exciting! The oldest Wheeler siblings, Nancy and Midnight, were waiting for their brother, Mike, so they could go to school.

"Midnight, Nancy? Where's your brother?" Their mother asked.

"I don't know, he was awake when I gave him his letter from Jane.." Midnight said, shrugging.

"I'll get him." She says, going upstairs. After a second, Nancy was back downstairs, grabbing her keys. "That boy will never survive on his own." Their father, Ted, mumbled while sipping on his coffee.

Mike comes dashing down the stairs and his mother scolds him.

"Micheal, I know your DND club is tonight-"

"Hellfire." He says grabbing toast.

"They should call it high-school drop outs club."

"But I need you home no later than 9:00."

"I'll try." Mike says, staring at the toaster, waiting for his toast to be ready.

"No, no trying!" His mom explained.

"Why not?" Mike looks back slightly.

"It's a 6:00 flight, Michael."

"And we mean it: 9:00 or no California." His mom explained again.

"And no sweetheart." His dad added

"Mike!!" Nancy exclaimed. "Let's go!" Nancy say jingling the keys, midnight standing right next to her.

"How am I gonna spend a whole week without you guys?" Mike said sarcastically. He grabs his toast and bolts to the door. "9:00!!" Karen calls out, before the door shuts.

Hawkins high school.

Midnight, Nancy and Mike get out of the car, and make it the gymnasium because there was a pep rally that morning. On the way to the gym, midnight bumps into someone, her enemy.. Jason Carver.

"Watch where you're going. You blind or something?" He sneered.

"Shut up, carver! If anything you're more blind than me." Midnight shot back.

"Whatever, get out of my way." He shoves past her, almost causing her to fall on the ground, but her siblings catch her.

"You okay?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. He's a jerk." Midnight responded.

"Maybe a little more than a jerk.. remember he tried to get you suspended three times?" Nancy reminded her.

"And what about the time he destroyed your art project three times and you had to redo it three times." Mike looks at her.

"And what about the time-" Nancy was cut off by midnight. "Okay! I get it." She rolls her eyes and walks to the gym. She stands next to her brother and his friends, Dustin and Max. The cheerleaders were doing their thing while Mike and Dustin about their girlfriend's. In midnight's opinion: Eleven DID save the world twice, and she hasn't met Dustin's girlfriend, so she's not even sure that she's real or not. Then the basketball players run out. Seeing Jason smile made midnight shift in annoyance.

"GOOD MORNING HAWKINS HIGH!!" Jason yells in the microphone. "Hey.. hey, how we doing? So, first things first, I just wanna thank all of you for cheering us on and we won and we wouldn't be here without you, give yourselves a big hand!" The gym roars with enthusiasm and cheers. "And I'd also like to give a shoutout to the best, the prettiest fans, the Hawkins cheer squad!" The crowd cheers and Jason looks at them. "Chrissy.." He smiles and puts his hand on his heart. "Chrissy, I love you babe." The crowd said their aww's and smiles. Jason looks back at the group and looks down before speaking again. "I think I can speak for all of us when I say.. it's been a tough year on Hawkins.. in dark days like this we need to stick together and think of everyone, I think 'how much can loss can one community take?' . Last night when we were down 40 points and I looked at my team and thought.. 'Think of Jack.. think of Melissa.. think of Heather.. think of Billy. Think of our brave police chief, Jim hopper. Would they be better knowing we lost with our heads hung low in defeat, no!' We embarrassed those candy asses right in their house! Now, let's get ready and win that championship trophy!!" He yells and everyone roars with excitement. Everyone except for Dustin, Mike and midnight.

That night.

Midnight was at the sidelines with her sister, Nancy and her friend, Fred benson. It was finally buzzer and Lucas shoots... HE SCORES! Everyone cheers and Hawkins won. Lucas runs up to midnight. "Midnight, we won! I made the winning shot!" He laughs and claps his hand. "I know, congrats!" She smiles. "Hey uhh.. do you know where Dustin and Mike are?" He asked. "Oh.. no.. sorry, Lucas.." "oh, okay.. thanks though." He looks down. Jason then comes along. "Sinclair, cmon, let's go! Party at Benny's!" The whole basketball team leaves.

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