4 • The doctor friend

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"Hriti!" Two girls came towards her with great surprise as they saw her get down the car.

"Tanu? Hrishi?" Hriti looked at them with surprise and hugged the both. Abhishpa joined the three and trapped them in a group hug.

Soham threw out Aadhriti's luggage abruptly and went inside the house. It was his house. Abhishpa's bungalow was undergoing some construction so they thought of throwing their son's first birthday party at their own house among close friends.

Their parents couldn't come because of health issues but, the friends were here.

"So, the four got together after four years?" Hrishika spoke after breaking the nostalgic hug.

"I guess, they are." Tanaya spoke while chuckling. "Madhav was asking about you since morning-"

She got cut off by Hrishika, "Hey, shh." And awkwardly smiled at her.

Hriti ignored that knowing she has to face him sooner or later, and went inside with them. She wanted to meet Angshiv frist but decided to meet him after getting herself freshen.

She was escorted to her room by Abhishpa and her luggage was shifted by Hrishika. Then, they went to serve the lunch.

Aadhriti took out a few clothes consisting of a pair of grey sweat pants and a black tee. She was about to enter the washroom when she noticed, the curtains of the door to the balcony was moving because of the wind.

She decided to close it and made her steps towards it. Unknowingly she had a glance of two people playing in the garden.

A smile crept on her face seeing the cute little baby playing. He seemed too cute while taking a few steps and then stumbled upon the soft mat unable to maintain the balance.

Someone came rushing to him and told him something in his ear which made little Angshiv giggle.

Aadhriti'a smile faded away as she noticed him looking upto her. She turned back quickly and closed the door and ran to the washroom.

She came downstairs after washing herself up and making calls with her parents.

Her long brunette hair braided, which reached her mid-waist.

Everyone was already seated for lunch. Abhishpa and Soham on one side, and Tanaya and Hrishika on the other. Leaving Madhav and Aadhriti on both the ends of the table, seated face to face.

Angshiv had slept due to tiredness making the tenants of the house dwell in deafening silence. The only sound that was heard was the ticking of the wall clock and the chewing sounds.

To break the awkwardness of the environment, Soham exchanged glances with everyone before speaking, "So, we finally got together."

Everyone nodded and busied themselves with their food. Ten minutes passed like that. Aadhriti didn't lift her eyes from her plate until she had finished her lunch.

"I'm done." She sighed and lifted her eyes to meet the wall clock.

"Take some more?" Abhishpa asked her with some hopeless expression.

She denied and parted her lips, "No thank you, I'm full." and got up from the dining.

And the lunch ended with the same awkwardness.

On the other hand, Madhav was dieing inside with the urge to talk to her. For him, she was still a best friend, who has been ignoring him due to her mood swings.

Madhav got up from his seat and followed Aadhriti to her room. Whatever was going on, needed to end, as for him.

"We need to talk, Hriti."

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