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"Woah!" I exclaimed in delight as I stepped into Jungwon's apartment, struck by the uncanny resemblance yet unique charm it held compared to my place. My fingers delicately traced the bookshelf nestled beside the wall, next to his sleek television.

Jungwon chuckled at my excitement, finding amusement in my fascination with the subtle details. "Would you like to stay over tonight?" he inquired, prompting me to turn towards him, my gaze meeting his with a shy intensity.

"Y-Yes, sure," I stuttered, mentally berating myself for the sudden awkwardness that had crept in since he asked me out the day before. Today at school, I found myself on edge, stumbling over words and feeling flustered in his presence. It was a whirlwind of nerves that left me feeling like a complete mess.

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted as Jungwon playfully flicked my forehead, eliciting a groan as I rubbed the sore spot. "Quit overthinking; you'll fry your brain," he teased, tapping my head before making his way to the kitchen.

Pouting, I followed him, teasingly commenting, "Not the way to treat your girlfriend," only to bump into him as he halted abruptly. I looked up at him in mock annoyance, only to be surprised as he bent down to my level, his hand gently resting on my head before he planted a soft kiss on my lips. "Sorry... girlfriend," he murmured before straightening up, leaving me in a daze.

His use of the term "girlfriend" caught me off guard, and I felt the heat rush to my cheeks as I covered my face, watching him head to the kitchen with a knowing smirk. The realization that we were now officially dating hadn't quite sunk in yet.

Sinking onto the couch, I faced away from Jungwon, curling up with my knees to my chest, still processing my newfound nervousness around him. Why did I feel this way now, I pondered, letting out a small sigh.

"Stop overthinking, Yoonie," he chided gently, presenting me with a plate of fruits, his soft smile melting my reservations. Blushing, I took the bowl, unable to tear my gaze away from his captivating features. He was truly beautiful.

Seating himself beside me, Jungwon plucked a strawberry from the bowl, placing it on my lips. I hesitated momentarily before opening my mouth to take a bite before he pulled away and held the fruit between his teeth. "Come and get it," he whispered, his voice sending a shiver down my spine. My breath hitched as I looked at him, my eyes averting to his lips then the strawberry.

I leaned before biting the other half of the strawberry pulling against it. I opened my eyes as my teeth held the other half, his eyes were on mine the whole time as his hand held my waist. He let the strawberry go as we separated. The strawberry was still being held by my teeth as I parted away from him.

As we parted, his intense gaze locked onto mine, the strawberry still held between my teeth. "Your cheeks are almost as red as the strawberry," he observed playfully, prompting a bashful smile from me as I finished the fruit and nestled my face against his chest. With a soft chuckle, he wrapped his arm around me, planting a tender kiss on the top of my head.

As I nestled against Jungwon's chest, the warmth of his embrace enveloped me in a sense of comfort and security. The gentle rise and fall of his chest with each breath he took seemed to synchronize with the flutter of emotions within me.
He ran his fingers through my hair as he put on something to watch.

Lost in the moment, I couldn't help but marvel at the way his presence had a calming effect on my racing thoughts. His fingers traced soothing patterns on my back, creating a tranquil rhythm that lulled my nerves into a state of peaceful surrender. He did bring me comfort, I couldn't be more glad to be his girlfriend.

In the soft glow of the apartment, with the subtle hum of the city outside, time seemed to slow down, allowing us to exist in this shared space of intimacy and connection. It was as if the world outside ceased to exist, leaving just the two of us in a bubble of unspoken understanding and affection.

I lifted my head slightly, meeting Jungwon's gaze filled with a tenderness that spoke volumes without words. At that moment, I realized that being with him felt like coming home—a place where I could be myself without reservations, where my vulnerabilities were met with kindness and acceptance.

As his eyes locked with mine, I took this opportunity to be bold. I leaned in and placed a soft kiss against his plump lips. I separated with a shy smile before he grabbed my waist, pulling me in for another.

The kiss was filled with passion and love. It was warm and slow. Our rhythm moved in sync as the kiss was known to be perfect in our dictionary. We continued to kiss until I parted from him, halting as I caught my breath. "You'll turn into a cat," I explained. His lips were now glossy and plump due to the kiss as he pouted.

"Curse this curse." Jungwon sighed as he whined, pulling me into an embrace as he nuzzled his face into my neck.

With a contented sigh, I leaned into his touch, savoring the closeness between us. The rush of emotions that had left me flustered earlier now settled into a gentle warmth that filled my heart with a sense of gratitude for this unexpected connection that had grown between us.

As we sat in comfortable silence, the soft murmur of the evening seeping through the windows, I knew that this moment would be etched in my memory as a testament to the beginning of something special—a journey of discovery and companionship that I was eager to embark on with Jungwon by my side.

88th chapter

More fluff will appear in future chapters so stay tuned.

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Question of the chapter:
What scenarios would you guys like to see in the future as they're dating? Please give me some ideas in the comments!

Alright, goodbye pookies!
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Love ya! See you in the next chapter.


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