Chapter 79 Returning Home

Start from the beginning

That night, Qingyan tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. She wished she could set off immediately and rush to Fengyu Pass.

But the next day, he could only wait hard for letters from far away and the person who didn't know the return date.

In the past few months, Qingyan and the others had looked at all the shops rented out in the town. Finally, they gritted their teeth and decided on a two-story shop in the most prosperous section of the town. The rent was twelve taels of silver, and it was paid for the whole year. The landlord gave him a discount of ten taels of silver, which just paid the dentist's commission.

The receipts on both sides were written and signed, and the shop became the property of Qingyan and the others.

Renting a shop is the first step. The shop still needs to be renovated and decorated according to their vision. The shelves need to be measured and customized by a carpenter. The signboards also need to be made and hung up on an auspicious day.

During the day, she was so busy that her feet hit the back of her head. Even though she was very tired, Qingyan would occasionally wake up at night. She clearly had a dream, but she couldn't remember what the dream was. She could only feel the panic after the nightmare.

It wasn't until the end of August or the beginning of September that Qingyan was shocked to realize that throughout August, he had only received one letter from Feng Yuguan.

And the letters he sent were like falling into the sea, with no news.

At the beginning of September, Qingyan, Aunt Li and Qiuniang opened the "Xiangyunfang". On the second floor, they sold everything from rouge and balm to the latest popular perfumes, flower earrings, and jewelry that women and brothers like. , headgear, robes, everything.

In the whole town, and even in the county, people have never seen a shop like this. From the first floor to the second floor, after walking around and back down, they bought everything they wanted to buy.

There are many styles, and they are all on-trend, especially the ones "recommended by the store owner" when you first enter the store. They are all very exquisite, high-quality and reasonably priced.

Qingyan also discussed with the other two people and organized a big promotion for the three days since the opening. During these three days, even Sanyao and Qinlan came to help. Nian Sheng also ran errands back and forth during his break, so he was barely able to stay busy. .

The first customers who came to the store were mainly regular customers from the time when the stall was opened before, and many of them just came to join in the fun. Thousands of firecrackers were set off, and the front door was decorated very beautifully. Anyone passing by, as long as they were not in a hurry, , all want to go in and have a look.

There are a lot of things in all price ranges in the store. After going around, even if you don't buy more expensive things such as robes and jewelry, you can always buy one or two gadgets for a few pennies.

Not only does it have a wide range of items, the prices are also lower than other stores outside.

After these three days of sales, the flow of people was not that much, so Qingyan and Qiuniang were left in the store to look after the store.

Qingyan left a room upstairs for Aunt Li, specially used to make balms, perfumes, facial masks, etc. for her. When she was not busy, she would also follow her to check out the store. In this way, the three of them could take turns and not miss meals and rest. .

After the busy days of opening, Qingyan checked the accounts and found that the profits in the past few days were quite considerable, and the subsequent customer flow was also good.

Aunt Li and Qiuniang were very happy. Qingyan also had a smile on his face in the store, but when he returned home from work in the evening, he became worried.

Qiu Henian never wrote again, and it had been three months since he left.

Qingyan made up his mind. If there was no news by the end of this month, he would find a way to go to Fengyuguan by himself. Then the store would be handed over to Qiuniang and Aunt Li, and the crops in the field would be left to the three of them. Yao will find someone to collect it, and then he and Qiuniang will be rewarded with half of the harvest.

He has already inquired about it. The county has to send supplies to the border once a month. He can give some benefits to the manager of the convoy and join the convoy to the northwest. This will be much safer.

Now that she had made a plan, Qingyan stopped worrying about it and took care of the business in the store while making preparations, just waiting for the time to set off.

The days passed day by day, and it passed mid-September in the blink of an eye. Qingyan was almost ready to go out, she had made an appointment with the team manager, and Qiuniang and Aunt Li had also said hello.

A few days before leaving, Qingyan went to the inn without any hope to see if there was any letter from him.

It was on this day that Qingyan received the last letter from Fengyuguan.

The messenger at the post station said that there had been strong winds in the northwest for days, and the official road was filled with yellow sand, making it difficult to see the road. The latest letters were delivered late.

Qingyan walked towards "Xiangyunfang" and opened the letter with slightly trembling fingers.

The familiar handwriting reads, "I have started my return trip from here. I will be home in about half a month. Don't even miss me."

Qingyan was startled, looked down at the end of the letter, and found that the time of signing was exactly half a month ago.

The wind in Liulin Town today was not bad, the late autumn leaves were rustling, and the letter paper in Qingyan's hand was blown inwards and made a rustling sound.

Qingyan was worried that the paper would be damaged by the wind, so she quickly stopped and wanted to fold the letter and put it back into the envelope. However, the wind was too strong and she couldn't fold it properly.

While he was focusing on this, he heard someone not far in front of him calling his name, seemingly in the strong wind.


Qingyan grasped the letter tightly, looked up blankly, and saw a man in a gray robe, who looked dusty at first sight, standing seven or eight steps away from him, looking at him.

This man is tall, with broad shoulders, a slim waist, and long legs. His face cannot be called extremely handsome, but he is handsome and good-looking. His eyes are as calm as lake water, his nose is high, and he has a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. His demeanor makes people laugh when he sees it. Can't help but take a few more glances.

Qingyan looked at the person in front of him, his mouth slightly opened, and the expression on his face changed again and again. First he was confused, then shocked, and finally stayed in disbelief.

His eyes involuntarily glanced back and forth on the other person's smooth, almost flawless cheek, and the hideous scars in his memory were no longer there.

Seeing Qing Yan like this, the man's smile gradually deepened and his eyes slowly softened. He just looked at him and walked closer.

When the two were no more than two or three steps away, the man stopped, looked at the person in front of him, and said again: "Qing Yan, I'm back."

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