Chapter 5

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Thinking of this, Qingyan no longer felt guilty, and felt that it was natural for her to enjoy this "blood-enriching package" alone.

Sugar is added to the white porridge, which makes it very sweet.

Qingyan doesn't like sweets very much, but on a winter morning, drinking such a bowl of hot sweet porridge makes her stomach feel particularly comfortable.

The steamed buns are just fermented, white and soft, with a strong and original wheat aroma. The stir-fried bean sprouts with shredded pork are not greasy to eat. The bean sprouts are crunchy and tender, so you don't have to chew hard. The pork is much more fragrant than anything Qingyan has eaten before. These are pigs fed without additives.

Qingyan first ate an egg with his mouth empty. The egg was almost translucent, and the yolk was as yellow as oil. It was so fragrant that he swallowed the whole egg in just a few mouthfuls.

Qingyan broke off half of the second egg and put it into the porridge. After taking a look at the man sitting opposite and eating silently, he stood up and stuffed the other half into the other's porridge bowl.

Qiu Henian glanced at him and did not refuse this time. He even ate the porridge and eggs together.

Qingyan smiled silently, took a pickle from the plate and put it into his mouth. His face immediately wrinkled, and his head was buzzing with soreness.

A big hand appeared in front of him, palm upward, and said in a deep voice: "Spit."

Qingyan felt that spitting it out was too disgusting, so he shook his head quickly and chewed a piece of pickled vegetables. He just saw Qiu Henian eating like this. The steamed buns were just covered with pickled vegetables. They looked very fragrant. As a result, It didn't make his teeth sore.

As soon as he swallowed it, he hurriedly looked for water. Qiu Henian had already added half a bowl of porridge and handed it to him.

Qingyan raised his head and drank it, and then he felt that he had recovered. If others had recovered, it would be over. But when he was a child, he was not satisfied, and when he grew up, he would not let himself suffer any grievances.

He opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. He leaned in front of Qiu Henian and asked him to see it. He also asked vaguely: "Please help me see if my tongue is broken. Why does it hurt?"

Qiu Henian only glanced at it, then quickly turned away and said, "It's okay, I'll pour you some water to rinse your mouth."

Qingyan didn't pay attention to his unnatural expression. She followed the person behind her and almost stuck to him. She got the water bowl and drank it, but she still stuck to the person.

Qiu Henian had been turning his back or sideways to him as much as possible to prevent him from seeing half of his scarred face. At this time, he couldn't help but turned around, looked sideways, and grabbed him Shoulder assured: "That's just radish pickled in vinegar, you'll be fine."

After speaking, he asked: "Are you full?"

Qing Yan nodded. Qiu Henian let go of his shoulders, pushed him gently and said, "Go back to the house and rest."

He kept his words and pretended to be polite, "I'll wash the dishes..."

Qiu Henian had already bent down, holding his knees with one hand and his shoulders with the other, lifting him up easily like a little rabbit.

Losing his balance, Qingyan subconsciously put his arms around the other person's neck, and his whole body fell into a warm embrace.

Although the bed experience last night was not good, this kind of extremely intimate behavior seemed to make Qingyan develop an indescribable sense of dependence and closeness to this man. He clung to the man softly and obediently, letting him Lower yourself gently onto the bed.

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