Chapter 35

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I have been eating well these past few days. The weather is gradually getting warmer. The snowdrifts outside can no longer freeze anything, so I must eat everything as soon as possible.

During the meal, the two of them didn't speak much. The only exchange was that Qiu Henian put all the fish belly into Qingyan's bowl, and Qingyan put half of it back in for him.

After eating, I tidied up, and before going to bed at night, I read as usual.

After finishing reading the book, Qingyan refused to let Qiu Henian turn off the light. He grabbed his arm and asked: "After I went to town to buy materials, how much money do I have left with me?"

Qiu Henian thought for a while and responded: "There are less than six taels left."

Qingyan asked him, "I am in charge of this family, right?"

Qiu Henian nodded and affirmed without hesitation: "Yes."

Qingyan opened her palms towards him and said, "Give me the remaining silver."

Qiu Henian got down to the ground as instructed and brought him the money in his robe. After Qingyan accepted it, he also got off the ground, opened the drawer under the bed and stuffed the money in.

Most families in the village have their wives as housekeepers. If a man is disobedient, he will be punished by his ears. Qingyan used to think that doing this would hurt a man's face, but now, he feels that sometimes doing so actually makes sense.

After the oil lamp was extinguished, the two of them lay on the bed. Qingyan came to the conclusion: "A man cannot have money in his pocket. If he has money, something will happen!"

Qiu Henian: "..."

Qingyan turned around and got into the arms of the man beside her, and said in his ear: "Let's slowly figure out a solution for that matter. We are not allowed to take medicine randomly in the future. If you do this again, I will pull your ears in front of Sanyao. Look at you. How will the second brother behave in front of him in the future!"

Chapter 28 The river is opening

After February 2, the weather got warmer again. This time the weather didn't repeat itself. The snow on the ground melted and turned into mud. When I went out, I always had mud on my feet.

After a few days, the snow water seeped into the ground, the ground became dry, and the sunny side of the hillside began to have patches of green, which were newly sprouted grass and fine leeks.

I have been holding back the winter at home for a long time. When this time comes, every wife, mother-in-law, and child will go up to the mountain with sickles to dig wild vegetables.

Qiuniang called Qingyan and several young wives of similar age in the village, and each of them carried a small basket on their arm and went up the mountain.

Chen Yu, who was next door, heard the commotion and followed behind, carrying a basket.

Others didn't know that the unhappiness between him and Qing Yan was not a grudge, so they all walked away together while talking and laughing.

Qing Yan didn't think anything of it. He had no problem with Chen Yu, as long as the other party didn't take advantage of him in the future, and didn't make blind suspicions. He could just be a normal neighbor who met and greeted each other.

But Chen Yu might not think so. Several times when Qingyan's eyes met his, the other party would roll his eyes at him, which made Qingyan feel funny and helpless.

After chatting and eating all the way without feeling tired, we arrived at the place. Qiuniang stood on the hillside and looked down, sighing, "It snowed heavily last winter, and now it's getting warmer than in previous years. There is a good chance that the harvest will be good this year." "

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