A grandmother, to two girls she couldn't help but smile at the thought of being a grandmother. "Muña, I'm tired!" Alyssa spoke making Rhaella laugh as she called for Arianna the Dornish girl smiled as she took Alyssa and Baelon away from her princess leaving behind the three Targaryen women. "Would you like to join us on a flight?" Rhaenyra offered the older Targaryen. "I would but the King and I must discuss some stuff" Rhaenys smiled as she left.

Rhaella and Rhaenyra left for Visenyas Hill their mounts waiting for them. Rhaella took off flying a soft smile on her lips as the wind hit her face, it had been a few weeks since her last flight. Rhaenyra stayed behind enjoying the flight as well. The two of them flew around the keep letting their dragons enjoy themselves as well.

Rhaella's mind kept going to Laena, she should choose two eggs to send to her. She still had a few moons before the twins were born so she should not worry about it yet. It wasn't until Rhaenyra and Syrax flew past her and Valaries that Rhaella snapped to reality once more her sister smiling as she pointed to Blackwater Bay.

The two landed on the shore as they dismounted their mounts taking a seat next to them as the two she dragons laid down. "Dare I ask if that was Needles in Dragonstone?" Rhaella asked. "It was her," Rhaenyra spoke her eyes on the water as Rhaella nodded. "Why?"

"I have been collecting them, I have found Needles and her brother James" Rhaella gave her a look not remembering any dragon seed with that name. "Killed a few years before the dance, with Ulf gone it leaves me with 20 more to find... Six have been killed because of their refusal to join me." Rhaenyra informed her and she felt bad for the girl in their last life she had been brainwash and had order for the head of the poor girl. To this day she knew not if Daemon and the girl had slept together and she knew she would never know but she could not blame needles she knew that now she was a girl no older 16 but Daemon he was the one to blame.

"How exactly are you finding them?" Rhaella asked not wanting to believe her sister was stupid enough to trust that white whore. "The white worm, as long as I pay more than anyone else she will remain loyal to me." Rhaella looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "What happens when that is no longer the case? When she double crosses you as she did last time?"

Rhaenyra gave her a look. "Then she will die, I have three whore working for me, the moment something happens she is to be poisoned. I am not making the same mistake twice Rhaella." Rhaenyra reassured her. "This is a bad idea Rhaenyra, that whore is to be killed now before she does something that will put us at risk," Rhaella told her. "We have a plan to get rid of another man..." Rhaenyra ignore Rhaella. "What plan?" Rhaella asked "The fighting pits we have woman going to the hearings begging father to look into it... They never make it to him their pleas fall into the men of the council who could care less about what happens to the people of fleas bottom!"

That had been the end of the conversation as the two left back to Kings Landing. The flight had been nothing of two minutes after that the two had made their way to Rhaella's chambers where they spoke more of the matter over tea as Alyssa played with her toys and Baelon slept.

Their conversation had been cut short when Cregan and Robert barged in laughing as they held one another. Rhaenyra turned to Rhaella at the unknown man as the image of Laenor and Qarl popped into her head. "Rhaenyra meet Robert Snow, my husband's hand and best friend since childhood."

"Rhaella my favorite Targaryen" Robbert smiled as he hugged her before bowing to Rhaenyra. "Sarah snows half-brother, who is also Cregan's half-sister" Rhaella added before freezing when she remembers John Snow.

That useless cunt, her poor Dany. She swore she would do anything to get that girl on the throne.

Her eyes focused on her sister once more when she saw her sisters look at the familiarity of the name Snow.

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