Chapter 48.

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Chapter 48.
I watched as Sandile made his way to my couch, his eyes traveled my whole lounge almost like he was searching for something. He was probably checking if I have any cameras so he can just murder me in peace. I swallowed a lump when I thought how this could take a turn. I could end up being found burnt beyond recognition with no one ever knowing what had happened to me, just another South African gbv statistic.

I watched as he took a seat and he placed his arms on his thighs and his cold eyes met with mine and I just prayed mine wasn't showing how timid I felt at this very moment.

"So no decency to at least to send me a text dumping me?" He asked but I had zero answers. His voice was soft maybe too soft for a man who was holding such cold eyes. "So like a nobody I had to find out from the internet how my dearest girlfriend was somebody's fiancee."

"Sandile I uh I'm rea-" I was cut off before I could even get to my apology. "Don't do that, don't stand there and act like you actually are sorry cause I know you're not!" He had a finger pointing at me as he sucked his teeth. It looked like he was trying to control his anger but it was clearly very hard to do so because his body language exuded anger. I swallowed a lump when I saw how I was the one that was responsible for his emotions. I was the one to blame here. I was the one who did not only shamelessly cheat on him but I have embarrassed him to his friends and whoever knows him so yes I did deserve the energy he was giving to me.

"I treated you good, allowed this to work on your terms, never pressured you to anything and this is the thanks I get Kwanda." His tone broke this time and the pain became visible on his face and that's how my tears filled my eyes. I never meant to hurt him. I never meant to break his heart.

"Sandile plea-" I was cut off. "Don't fuckin do that! Don't fuckin apologize cause I know you don't mean it. You don't fuckin mean shit you're saying right now. You're only fuckin sorry I found out!" He yelled and his tears fell but I stood shocked because this was the very first time he had ever raised his voice to me.

The pain in eyes told me how much of a bad person I was. This was the very face that Emma gave to Jason when she found us having sex and I hated how I knew how it was like to be cheated but I still went and did it so shamelessly to people who have done nothing but treat me good. Never for once did I ever think how my actions were going to affect both him and Emma.

I hated Sbahle for being the other woman in my relationship but now that I think about it maybe it was always I who was the other woman because of how comfortable I was being one with Jason.

"Sandile I swear to Go-" I didn't even get to finish before he jumped to my side. Everything happened so fast that I didn't even see how I got pressed to the wall with this man's hands wrapped around my neck.

I am sure my eyes presented my fear and the beating of my heart seemed to put the world on freeze and the only thing that could be heard was how fast my heart was beating and his loud breathing.

"Sa-nd-ile." I managed to strain his name out but only making him tighten his grip on my neck. "I was there for you Kwanda. I fuckin did everything right and this is the shit you give me. After everything. I fuckin made you my world!" He grunted as his fury eyes met mine. I couldn't even beg for my pathetic life since my breath was constricted. I tried to get his hands off me but he was so strong and I was never ever a strong girl even with my breath flowing perfectly well in my body so yes I failed miserably at trying to get him off me. I was twitching but he wouldn't stop hurting me.

"You should have told me that you couldn't fuckin do this anymore. I would have fuckin settled for friendship!" He grunted but my response was just tears. I could feel myself suffocating and I knew soon or later I was about to die and I could tell because of how I felt like the tv sound was moving further away and my head felt like it was spinning. I am sure he felt satisfied seeing me turn pale and maybe I did deserve this. This was my Karma for messing Emma's marriage, stealing Jason from Candice, almost marrying Vusi when he was already married to Sbahle. I guess I wasn't a good person because look how my life is about to end.

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