Chapter 46

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"Do you think we should come back to Durban. I can always find you another job." That was Jason, I was laying on his chest in our bed whilst I traced my fingers on his chest. My heart was filled with so much happiness that it scared me. Surely something was about to ruin my happiness because there was no way that so much happiness could last in my life. It would be a first if it did.

"Did you hear me?" He snapped me out of my thoughts by touching my face and that's how my eyes laid on his confused ones. "Are you okay?" He asked with concerned and I nodded with a smile. I was at my happiest at this point in my life. I looked down on the finger that has his ring and this exasperated sigh left my mouth. I sat up not even bothering with covering my naked body.

"You didn't want to say yes did you?" He sadly asked but I quickly shook my head no because that was not my reason for my sigh. I wanted this. I just was scared of the reality that awaited me beyond this happiness.

I cupped his face in my hands. "You don't know how long I have wanted this. To be completely yours Jason." I pecked his lips and allowed my lips to linger on his and that's how his hands took my face in.

"I am scared Jason of what awaits me beyond these walls of happiness. How much sadness is waiting to flood me." I kissed on my lips but he just chuckled when I said those words making me back away. "You have always been the sentimental poetic one between us." He chuckled which made me push him playfully.

"I mean there's this thing you always say and it drives me absolutely insane. 'I do Jason, you know I do.' That shit drives me crazy like the minute you say it, I just want to put you in 8 positions in 8 minutes." I found myself laughing at his dumb ass at how bad he was at impersonating me. "I do not sound like that." I pushed him from me when he tried to touch me but I failed miserably cause he did pull me to him fast.

"I am also scared Kwa but I have faith and I need you to have faith in me as well." He presented his dimple smile and it was contagious because I smiled back. "Now who's the sentimental one between the two?"

"It's still is you." He chuckled before capturing my lips into his and that's how I wrapped my hands around his neck as we engaged in this love filled kiss, I straddled him as we continued kissing and this would have escalated if nobody knocked on the door.

"Who is it!?" Jason couldn't hide the annoyance in his voice at whoever was on the other side of the door.

"Mom said come down for breakfast and stop having sex!" His brother yelled from the other side.

"Why does your mum seem to think all we do is have sex?" I got off him. I was about to take a shower before I went downstairs.

"Cause that's literally all we do. I doubt we even know each others favorite colour." He teased following me to the bathroom but I laughed at his silly ass. "You have a favorite colour?" I asked taking a quick glance and I couldn't miss how his eyes were on my ass but back on the whole favorite colour, I never understood that whole thing like take me for instance I love almost every color I see.

"Who doesn't?"

"Well me. What's your favorite colour?" I asked as I got in the shower and he followed after me. "Of course black, that's why I have a black girlfriend." He licked his lips like that was smoothest thing ever said, his eyes were still scanning me like this was the first time he ever seen me naked.

"Boy please." I pushed his head from coming any closer to me and that's how I got myself pinned on the shower with my hands above my head.

"I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone."

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