Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.
I cannot believe myself at this very moment. I forgot my damn car. Who fuckin forgets their car. Oh my God. There is a 100% chance that I won't even find it there anymore. All my life's work down the drain.

"I cannot believe that you forgot your car." I just rolled my eyes as if me judging myself wasn't enough. Thami should be comforting me assuring me that we're still going to find my car not her going on about Jason is the reason why I forgot my car at the Musgrave mall.

"Just so you know I texted Jason to meet us there." She said and I gave her this look that said 'Are you being serious right now?'

"Thami seriously why?" Which part of me updating her about my saga with Jason didn't she get when I said I wanted to stay as far away from him as I could. He was never going to receive his 6th date but Thami had to go and call him after I had declared that to her. Fate is surely playing a fucked up game with me.

"It's fuckin late K and we need a man so why not yours?" She shrugged her shoulders. "He is not my man like I already done told you that so please respect me." I huffed looking for my phone. I needed to call my tracker company if I find my car gone which I think would be too late but you never know.

"Personally I think you guys look good together." Oh my God, can somebody just shoot me dead already. Thami is living in a fantasy world that is never going to happen between me and Jason.

"Shut up." I ran my hand over my face as I thought of my car. That what was important. My car not Jason.

The moment we got here. I rushed to where I had parked my car and when I found it still here I let out this huge relieved breath. I ran over to it and hugged it. "Hey baby." I kissed it too many times till I heard some laughing and it was none other than my so called love interest Jason standing with his friend Justin.

"Uhm hey guys." I smiled at them leaning on my car. "You were that happy to see your car that you just ran past us?" Justin asked pouting like a little baby. "I am so sorry Justin." Jason laughed when I said that like I said something wrong.

"It's Austin and how are going to forget my name. I'm the pretty one in my group." He whined like a little baby and no lie I was 100% embarrassed about that but maybe if Jason spoke more about his friends I wouldn't actually forget their names.

*How is this Jason's fault,you're the one who forgot Austin's name?* Well he never talks about them instead he's always trying to drown in my mouth.

"You just went off once again." That was Jason walking closer which made me quickly move away. I don't trust him in close proximity to me. Next thing you know I am naked and screaming out his name on my car's bonnet so nope.

"I am not going to bite Kwah." He chuckled like he just read mind but I also gave him this awkward laugh.

"Wouldn't be too sure about that." I snickered and that must have gotten the attention of Austin because he gave me and Jason weird ass looks. "Am I missing something?" Austin asked but I quickly shook my head. "No,nope." I popped the p out but Jason was clearly finding this amusing. "I am going to drive you back to your place in your car. Austin is going to drive with Thami." Jason said,his eyes were scanning me and that's when I realised he was taking in what I had on. I was wearing booty shorts and some tank top. Well I didn't really have time to change out of my sleeping wear. I panicked when I realised that I forgot my car but who wouldn't have panicked. A car is like a baby.

"What about your car?" I asked looking at him,his eyes were trying their best to stay away from my body but your know the eye once it sees candy it just won't move away. "We ubered here so that we don't forget our car as well." Sarcastic much I see.
"Haha." I moved to my car and unlocked it. I looked at Thami who was giving me these knowing looks like she was picking up a vibe from me and Jason.

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