Chapter 15

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Chapter 15.
Why do I feel like I am some kid that has been brought here to own up to my wrongs and hopefully pray things work my way. I swear I wished I had some invisibility superpower that I could use to disappear before this man answered the door that Austin and my ex best friend Thami just forced me to knock on whilst they stayed in the car and mind you I even had an overnight bag with me which I was holding on to for dear life. I couldn't even allow myself to take in the beautiful lightening sequence this man has in this huge house of his but I guess that is kind of expected considering I am in Ballito.

I looked over to Austin and Thami hoping they just put out of my misery and drive me out of here but these little devils just didn't care. I heard the door creak open and that was when I looked at who just opened it and my eyes fell on this woman who seemed to be my mom's age. She was black of course and was wearing the maid's uniform. "Molo mntanami." She gave me a warm smile and I respectfully returned it. "Sawubona Ma. Angazi noma ngingamthola u Jason?" My tone was filled with nothing but respect for this woman who hasn't stopped smiling at me. "Oh nguwe la nontombi bethetha ngaye?" Her smile grew even wider forcing me to nod. I don't know whether it was me the girl he was talking about to her or it was someone else. "Ayi umhle nyani. Ngena sanalwami." Did I mention how amazing Xhosa sounds and hearing this beautiful woman speak it made me smile at her and of course she had this warm aura about her so I guess this is where Jason gets his aura from.

I walked inside and of course my eyes were stunned at how much beauty this house was holding. "Zapha i bag yakho mntanami."   She took my overnight bag. "Thank you." I said the moment I handed her my bag by ah gave me this strange look like something just sat on my face. "Kutheni na,uli coconut?" I swear I laughed so hard when she said that. "Lutho. Lutho Ma." I was still in my fit of giggles which she joined as well. "Kutheni uthetha islungu kwalokhu?" Okay this woman was funny. "Ngiyaxolisa ma." I still continued laughing.

"I see you have met Ma uThokozile." That was Jason walking down the stairs and that was how my laughter left my mouth. I mean I did break his heart barely a few hours ago so I know deep down he must still be mad at me.

"Should I put these in the guest room?" Mam' Thokozile asked looking over at Jason. "No please put them in my room Ma." She nodded, she gave me one last smile before she took to the stairs. "What time does she knock off. I mean it is pretty late?" I asked looking at my watch. It was almost eight o'clock.

"She's a live in and she knocks off at 5pm but she couldn't wait to meet you that's why she's still here." He smiled nervously even messing with his hair. "She's amazing." I smiled before the awkward silence fell between us. We must have stood in this awkward silence for some time before we knew it Mam' Thokozile came back and looked between us.

"I will take my leave now. I hope to see you in the morning Nokwanda." Okay so it was me the girl that she mentioned Jason spoke about. I mean she knows my name and I haven't told her my name as yet.

"You will Ma." She nodded before she left leaving us in this awkward silence. I bit on my bottom lip. I didn't know what to do or say instead I wished I knew the way to the bedroom so I could at least hide myself under the covers and pretend to be fast asleep.

I decided to yawn and stretch so he could tell I wanted to sleep but he just giggled. "There's some food in the kitchen. Come I will make some for you." He lead the way. I followed after him. I guess he was enjoying this little awkward thing we had going on here.

"Great." I mumbled as I followed him into his very fancy kitchen that one could only dream of. Stuff like this makes me wonder why I wasn't born rich or why wasn't I born white?

"I cooked." he said as he walked over to his fancy pots that complimented this kitchen oh so well. "You mean Mam' Thokozile cooked?" I asked which made him raise his eyes to me. "Come on now,you know I do cook right?" He asked and I remembered our very first date that I had ended up ruining. He cooked some very nice mutton curry for me but me being such a ruinist. I ruined the date and accused him of being racist

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