Chapter 19.

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I had woken up way earlier so I could see Jason off since his flight was like so early. My eyes were still filled with nothing but sleep as I helped him out with making sure he had everything he needed. Austin was going to be the one driving us to the hospital. I had on his hoodie that make me look like some skrr skrr kid. "You know babe you don't have to come with us right?" He said when he saw me yawn for one last time. "I want to babe." I said walking closer to him and I laid in his chest and just allowed his heartbeat to comfort me. I hated that he was leaving. I needed him to stay. "Can't you stay?" I asked staring up at him. He caressed my face before he kissed me. "I can't baby." I frowned when he said that. I was looking like some clingy baby at this moment. It just pained me to think he was about to be miles away from me.

"I hate whatever is taking you to Cape Town." I whined like a little kid which earned me a laugh from him. "I will be back though." He pecked my forehead before he pulled me into this tight hug. There was a knock on his bedroom door.

"Is it safe to come in. Are you guys decent?" That was Austin walking in without waiting for an answer from either of us. "We gotta go man." He said looking at Jason. He nodded. "I will drive." I said taking one of his bags whilst he took his suitcase.

I allowed Austin to lead the way and both me and my man followed after him. "So babe I am going to leave the house keys with you and you can use any of the cars you want here until I get back." He said which made me look at him strangely. Why would he give me access to his things so easy like that?

"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded with this innocent laugh like I was over thinking this but wouldn't you overthink if you were me. This is his home why would he just leave it with me. A girlfriend for the week. "Jason I don't want you to think I want any of your stuff. I'm content with what I have and beside I like my car." I said honestly but he just took my hand and placed it on his mouth and kissed on it like a gentleman that he is. "I know but it's not like I am leaving this with you forever,it's only until I come back."

"Uhm." I took this little breath as I watched his eyes beg me to say yes. "Fine but I will only come here when I miss you and only use your cars when I'm running out of petrol and I don't have any money for it." I joked and both of them laughed at me.

"You have to come here and keep Ma u Thokozile company." He smiled and I nodded when he said that. "Okay."
I indeed drove us to the airport and driving this early meant no traffic so before we knew it we had arrived at the airport and I was surprised at how many people were here so early in the morning. I thought it would have been empty. Jason and I were still hand in hand whilst Austin kept taking so many pictures of us to a point I had to fuckin chase him around so he could stop going paparazzi on us.

"Your friend is an idiot." I said when I couldn't get to him so I just allowed his dumb self to photo bomb me and Jason. "You'll get used to him."

"Jason I have something to ask you." I said this time facing him and he gave me this take it away gesture. "Your friends. The way they said goodbye to you. It seemed forever,why?" I asked looking at him but he gave me a small smile but I needed answers. His friends were too emotional for someone who was only going to Cape Town for his family emergency.

"They were being stupid. You know how they get." He played it off but I tinted my eyebrows. "You're not being honest are you?" I asked but he giggled nervously before he pulled me to him and kissed me with so much passion and I returned it. "I will be back for you." He pecked my lips and just like that his plane was announced leaving me with so much questions. "I have to go. I love you." He pecked my lips one last time before he walked over to Austin and they hugged for some time. They began conversing in Afrikaans and whatever they were saying to each other seemed to be emotional which just added to my questions. What was going on? Why Jason was hiding whatever it is that was making him go to Cape Town from me.

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