City Lights

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 "You live just outside the city and you hate it?" I asked.

"Says the princess living in the center of it all," retorted Theseus. "You live in the biggest home anyone could ask for and you still love the city? With all of the people staring inward wanting a glimpse of royal life. Of royalty."

"That I can live without, what I love is seeing the city light up. Seeing it come alive around us and the people laughing and crying and not giving a fuck about anything. I've lived my whole life in a fishbowl, for once I want to live outside of it and feel what it's like on the outside. I want to see what it's like to look into the fishbowl, to see it from the other side. I've never had that experience before."

"But to leave the servants behind? To leave people who would wait on your hand and foot for a shred of normalcy? Who would give that up?"

"You've never experienced it. You have no privacy. Someone's always outside our door who will come barging in at the slightest hint of unusual sound that came from within. Every time you enter a room, someone introduces you and bows or curtsies whenever they pass you. It's always officials demanding something of you. Never one moment to yourself. Every day or every year is planned out from the minute to the second. From when you go to sleep to when you wake up to what you'll eat to when you'll eat to where you'll eat. They've planned it out. Never a moment to yourself. Now, don't get me wrong, it's nice living in the palace. It's not the place I want to spend my forever. I'd rather be out here, free. Where my days aren't planned out to the minute."

"I can help you find a place that would look out over the lights," Theseus offered. "Close enough to the ministry for work but far enough to where no one would annoy you over being royalty. You'd get your peace and quiet but you can always take part in the fishbowl watching. It would be everything you've ever wanted."

"I would love that." I always wanted the freedom from the life I always knew, the openness of the sky and ocean to explore. I always had everything, but freedom was what I was missing. Independence. Choice.

"Then what's stopping you? We can start looking in the morning." I kept my eyes on the city, the blinking lights. I leaned over the balcony. A smile crossed my lips, I could feel the city waiting for me. Pulling me in. Fireworks dotted the night sky with beautiful colors. It was the Trooping of the Colors.

"I'm going out there now."

"What?" asked Theseus. "You woke up this morning after being out for a bit. You're still recovering from the surgery."

"I don't care. I need to be out there. For once in my life, I need to be a part of something." I locked eyes with Theseus, he nodded, he understood. "Don't wait up for me. I'll be fine, promise." I clambered down the stairs and into the front garden. My feet led me forward into the city towards the city center. There were lights of different colors and shades lighting the path towards the city center. Many doors had signs celebrating the monarchy.

"Long Live the King!" cried several people, all of them laughing, dancing, drinking. A few policemen were out watching over the crowd. A woman bumped into me and quickly apologized. Many people were waving the British flag while chugging their drinks. "Here, honey," said an older man, handing me a beer. I smiled and cheered with him. I took a few sips as I continued to move.

"You look lost, darling," a woman told me. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, I promise," I said. "It's my first time celebrating it, that's all."

"You don't seem to be from around here. Be careful, darling." I nodded and my attention was caught by a few men fighting in front of a pub. People were yelling and I took a few steps backwards as police surrounded them to break the fight up.

"Margaux?" asked a woman. I whipped around to find Elisabeth standing behind me. "I've been trying to find you. I'm so glad I finally did. There's someone I want you to meet, but it seems like you have already. Beatrix, honey, this is the young lady I've been telling you about. Margaux." Elisabeth went up to Beatrix and started discussing something with her.

"Maybe we should talk somewhere else," I suggested, "I'm staying quite close."

"Margaux, this is your birth mother," Elisabeth told me.


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