kenniko || to the ends of the earth

Start from the beginning

He knew the whole squad was there, it's a friday afternoon and they always spend fridays together but Kenny was a little late on coming there. He didn't want to ruin their mood but he could easily just sneak in and sleep on Niko's room and cry his life out surrounded by a familiar, cozy, calming surrounding.

He walked out of the car, trying to hold back the tears and tried to look as normal as possible. Even though it was clear on his face he was crying, and his mind wasn't helping when all of what's in his mind is just all the times he spent with Natalia. He really felt happy with her, he even told the boys about her, and he talked about her a lot. How sweet and how kind she was, her favourite things to do that at some point the boys might've been annoyed by him. But Kenny trusts them, and he knew that they're really just happy for him deep down. He wonders how they'll react when they found out.

He opened the door since hey, it's basically his house too since he has a key to it. When he entered, he could hear laughter's from the living room and he just wanted a hug. A hug so bad, but he didn't want to ruin the atmosphere and just walked upstairs to Niko's room. Hopefully, the man isn't there.

Not because he's actually illegally entering his room, Kenny always invaded Niko's personal space anyways. When they were little they always share everything together and that never stopped. He wants a hug from Niko too, he gives the best hugs.

He opened his room door and just fell on the bed with a thud. He rolled himself up with his blanket and hid his face downwards.

He could smell Niko, and he felt so at home already. Then he heard the bathroom door open.

"Kenny?" Kenny heard Niko say. Fuck.

"What're you doing here? You're not joining the others downstairs?" Niko sat on the bed and Kenny can feel his weight on the bed. Niko said it so calmly and kind, Kenny couldn't hold out the sob he'd been trying to hide.

"Hey hey- Kenny, what's wrong?" Niko's very worried now. When he opened the door, because he heard his bed creak. He saw someone rolling themselves on the bed, and that build was familiar, and there's only one man that would enter his room like it was his. Kenny.

He found it quite sweet that they always seem to share everything together and nothing's changed even though they grew up. So he definitely didn't want to hear Kenny sob. But that was definitely a sob.

Niko touched the blanket, wanting to unwrap what was beneath and what he saw was Kenny, so much in a mess.

When Kenny felt the wind touch his face, and saw Niko's eyes just looking at him. Kenny didn't hesitate to get Niko in for a hug. Kenny had his face just sinking on Niko's sweater that was covering Niko's neck. His sweater is definitely soaking wet.

It's just like the old times, Niko had always been the one protecting the two. Even when they were younger, because Niko was bigger and taller, he was more daring and brave, his build had played a part in his confidence. Kenny was a bit conservative as a teen, Kenny was the kid who would always do stupid things to get a laugh out of people. Niko was naturally funny because of his social skills and outgoing personality. Kenny didn't have that.

Niko's heart had been pulled one by one when he heard Kenny crying and sobbing his life out. He was really, genuinely crying.

Niko did the "shhh" thing his mom always do to Niko and his younger siblings, it always comforts him somehow. Niko had one whole arm wrapping Kenny on the back, caressing him from there and one on his head and neck.

"What's wrong Ken? What happened?" Niko made sure he has the softest, calmest voice he could ever have when he said that.

Kenny cried more when he heard Niko say that, he just wanted to cry at this point because his tears isn't stopping at all. Kenny clutched and gripped Niko's sweater so tightly at the back.

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