Chapter 4

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I arrive at school, feeling better.
Probably because I told off Harry. I don't want to see him again. Ever since his dad died... He went nuts.

School was crazy, considering it's a week away from being done. " Hey Gwen." I heard someone say. I turn and see Pietro Maximoff. ( Yes, Wanda's older brother.) I smile.
Pietro and I used to date.
He started getting just... Weird and mean towards the end.

* Flashback*

" So, your breaking up with Pietro?" Wanda asked as we sat down on my bed. I signed.
" I feel bad Wanda. I really do. He's a great guy trust me. It's just... Lately he's been... Physical."

" Oh you mean like..." She said using her eyes to help me get what she was talking about.
" OH NO. No not that. We haven't. I haven't ever." She laughed at my nervousness.
" He's just, been rude and we fight a lot."

She looked down, fiddling with her fingers. " Something um, happened in the.. Family. And it uh, hit him pretty hard." She explained. I nodded. " Trust me though, it's pretty bad at home than what he's doing to you." Wanda and Pietro lived together as brother and sister.
I signed and hugged her

* Back to reality*

" Hey Pietro. How are you?"
He nodded. " Eh, good. Wands told me you uh, haven't been well lately. Is something going on?"

' Yes a radioactive spider bit me and I'm Turing into the girl version if Spider Man.' I said to myself. " Yeah, just the stress of finals I'm fine." I waved it off. He smiled.
" Well let's go to biology." We walked in, finding our seats. I look straight ahead and see Peter Parker.

He was leaning over, writing something. I leaned forward.
" Peter." He jumped, but turned to face me. His eyes were wide. I smile. He looks cute with his glasses.
" Peter? Um, I need to talk to you at lunch. Is that ok?" He slightly smiled. " Yeah, yeah that's totally fine!"

*** Lunch

I met Peter outside at the sidewalk. Students were allowed to leave the school for lunch since we were in the city.
" Hey Peter!" I called as he was looking for me. He smiled and ran over. " Sorry Gwen I got held up in Bio. Checking my grades." I smiled as we began walking. " I bet their through the roof Peter!"

" Where shall we go Miss Stacey?"
" Well Mr. Parker, let's go to the Café right across the street." We laughed and walked in, ordering some food.
" So, what did you want to talk to me about?" He asked looking at me as he took off his glasses. Gosh he was a looker.

" Um, ok. This is gonna sound crazy and weird but, just hear me out?" He nodded.
" So, Mary Jane and I, we were in that explosion At Starbucks a few days ago. And, Spiderman, he saved us. He said he knew us because he is friends with you." Peter stared at me, listening. " We are, yes."

I nodded. " And, ok this is where it gets weird." He nodded, the waitress bringing our food. " So, Harry Osborn has been a ... Well I wouldn't say good friend but he's a friend of mine and he told me to come over to Oscorp a few nights ago. Showed me these, spiders laced with Spider-mans powers. He said he wanted to be just like him. I told him he was nuts."

Peter's eyes narrowed.
" He then went... Mad and threw one of the spiders at me. It bit me. I started... Feeling lightheaded, things getting stuck to my hands, and this annoying tingling sensation whenever something bad is coming or happens. I'm just so confused." I said putting my head I'm my hands.

He put his hands on mine, bringing them down. He smiled at me. " It's ok Gwen. I can have Spidey swing by your place tonight to talk to you about what your going through. I'm sure he will know just how it feels."

I couldn't help but grin. Peter was so sweet. " Thank you Peter. Your so sweet. I'm glad you don't think I'm crazy."
" All the best people are."
I laughed. We paid for our food and walked back to school.
" Bye Peter. Thank you so much."
" Anytime Gwen!"
Spiderman was coming to my house tonight. What am I gonna say?

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