Chapter 11

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** This Is Gwen's 2nd Villian, Cut - Throat!**

*Peters POV*
" So, you and Gwen? A thing?" Wade asked. I blushed, sitting down on his nasty couch next to him. " Yes Wade, now don't ask any of your dirty questions because I won't answer them!" I said as he smirked.

" Her ass? Is it, decent?"
I smacked him up side the head as he laughed wildly.
" She's got powers like mine."
Wade stopped laughing, looking me in the eyes.
" Peter don't tell me you went all Horny Spider here and -"
" WADE! no. Just, no. Harry Osborn planted one of the same spiders that bit me on her. Now she's like me."

He raised his eyebrows.
" So... Is she going to be a hero? Kinda like your sidekick?"

I shrugged. I didn't know if she wanted to do her own thing or just, tag alone with me. I wouldn't want her going on her own, she may get hurt.
" I have no clue." I said honestly. We sat in silence for a while, not knowing what else to say. A beep suddenly snapped the both of us for the silence. Wade pulled out his phone.

" I have to go. I have a mission." He said walking over to where his suit was laying. He zipped it on and grabbed his katanas. " Don't kill anyone else alright?" I asked laughing. " That's a punishment Petey!" He whined and jumped out the window.

*** Gwen's Pov***

I was eating dinner with my mother, brother and my grandmother that was on a visit. " So mom, Gwen has a boyfriend!" My mom said excitedly. My grandmother smiled and raised her eyebrows.

" Oh Gwendolyn. Is he a bad boy? Dangerous?"
Well, Peter was Spiderman, I guess he's dangerous.
" Sure Gram." I said smiling.
" She never stops calling him." My brother mumbled.
I rolled my eyes.
" His Name is Peter, he's best friends with Harry Osborn, who's father owns the big company Oscorp." My mom explained.

Everyone knew about Oscorp, I mean, if you didn't you may as well be living under a rock.
My grandmother smiled.
I excused myself to my room to finish homework. We all know that's a lie. I wanted to try out my suit. I put it on, looking at Myself in my mirror.

" Wow." Was all I could say.
I didn't think my sewing skills
Were that good. I stepped out into my balcony and looked down at the city. Peter made me these webbing things that shoot webs so I can swing and shoot them.

I quickly learned how to swing, screaming at first but I enjoyed the thrill of swinging all above the beautiful city of New York, seeing lights and the wind.
I used my new hearing ability to hear if there was any crime.

I swung to a roof top and looked down. I gasped as I saw some freak in Red and Black beating up a girl!
I claimed down the wall and listened.
" Please Stop screaming dear. This isn't a audition for America's Next Top Banshee!"
The guy shouted and covered her mouth. He raised a long Katana, almost about to stab her.

" HEY! " I called out. The girl stopped screaming, darting her eyes to me. The guy held the katana still but snapped his head in my direction. " Let the girl go you freak!" I said strongly as I walked out of the shadows. The guy in red laughed hysterically and pulled the girl up by the neck. Poor thing.

" And may I ask, who the hell are you?" He asked as he stood. I struggled. I actually didn't have a name yet. So, I said the first thing that came to mind. " Spider Gwen." I said.
He laughed like a psyco.
" Listen here baby Doll, go home before I take you out also." He growled.

" No. You let that girl go now, Freak!" I shouted. " It's Deadpool bitch." He said lowly, stabbing knives into the wall to hold up the girl so she couldn't leave. Deadpool charged at me but I spun a web, at his face. He stopped, trying to rip it off. I swung down and kicked him hard in the chest, having him fall over. I was shocked to see what I had just done... I didn't know I could do that.

" Wowww baby girl can kick! How cute!" He snarled.
" Stop calling me that."
I growled and jumped him, punching him over and over.
I didn't know if I could stop!
But I did. I stood up and walked over to the girl.
" Are you alright?" I asked as I took one knife out from pinning her to the wall.

My senses were pounding in my head, I spun around seeing Deadpool Running up to me with his Katana. He was so close to stabbing me when-
" WADE! STOP!" I heard a familiar voice scream from up above.

This so called Wade guy, stopped, looking up. It was Peter! "Wade, Don't kill Gwen." Wade looked at me and dropped his katana.
" So this is the Gwen Stacey
Your dating." He said. Peter ran over and hugged me.
" Gwen oh man. I should have told you about Wade. He is a mercenary. Hired to kill. He could have killed you!"

My eyes widened. He really could have killed me if Peter didn't stop him. Whoa.
" Sorry that I... Beat you.." I said shyly, looking at Wade.
" Hmm... Your surprisingly strong for girl. But it's fine.." He said sliding his katanas back in his sheath. " I literally didn't know I could do that stuff.. It's weird... It's like I'm not me when I do that."

" It's because your not Gwendolyn." I heard the girl say. The 3 of us turned to her and saw that she pulled out the other knife and suddenly didn't look like she did before. She had on a killer tight, black jumper, a high slick pony and pockets with many sharp objects. " Whoa. What a hottie." Wade whispered.

" Who are you?" I asked stepping back a little.
She had a evil smirk, growing.
"Cut-Throat. I was sent to bring you to A.Z."
The man or woman who wrote that letter to me. I was still haunted by letter. It made me question who I was.

" And how were you going to do that?" I asked narrowing my eyes at her. " Well, I tricked Deadpool into having me as one of his missions. I knew you would be seeing us and wanting to save me, which by the way, thank you dear." She said giving me a fake smile. I gritted my teeth.

" And now that I have Deadpool, You AND, Spiderman, I'll have to kill them and take you." She said taking out two daggers. She charged at Me, raising a dagger to strike me in the chest. But, I jumped, pulling Peter with me. Wade stopped her, throwing her against the building wall.

" Peter, go. Take Wade and go. If she wants to fight me, I have to do it myself." I said quickly.
" No Gwen! I'm not leaving you!" He said as Cut- Throat hit me hard. I stood up slowly. She was about to punch me again, when I spun around, grabbing her hand and throwing her onto the ground.

I wrapped my hands around her neck, in a effort to make her stop moving. I smiled devilishly as he was having a hard time breathing. But Peter stopped me. " GWEN! Stop! Your going to kill her!" He shouted trying to pull me off. But I wanted to kill her. Wait.. What?!

Peter pulled me off her.
Wade walked over and held her up and she coughed and sputtered, gasping for breath.
She laughed as she wiped the small blood amount off her lip.
I must have nicked her lip when I.. Choked her.
What was wrong with me?

I stood up and squatted down in front of her while Wade firmly held her. She glared as me.
" Who is A.Z.?" I asked sternly. She grinned. " You really think I'm going to tell you?" I punched her across her face.
She hung her head. " Now, unless you want me to knock you out and have Deapool here Kill you in every way possible, tell me who AZ is." I stated, raising my voice.

She looked up at Wade and he smiled like a school girl. "Anyway I want? Mmmm..."he said gripping her tighter.
" FINE." She said loudly.
I smiled. " Armin Zola. That's AZ. He wrote you the letter. I cannot say any more." She said with a smirk.

I punched her again. Her smirk bothered me. " Let me go. I told you what you wanted."
She snarled. " Fine. Go. Tell your Litter friends that I will find them." I said as she ran off.
" Wait. Armin Zola?!" Peter asked. " I know just the guy to help us."

" Who?" I asked cocking a eyebrow.
" Captain America."

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