Chapter 5

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Peter's POV

I was just putting on my suit when I heard a knock on my window. It was Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool. The Merc with the mouth he says. I unlocked the window and let him in.

" Hey Petey." He said in a girl voice. I rolled my eyes.
" Hey Wade. What's up?"
" I was in the neighborhood, thought I should see how Peter Parker's nerdy life was."
" Shut up man."
" Why are you in your suit?" He asked while taking out one of his many knives and sharpening the blade.

I gulped. " I was just, on my way to Gwen Stacey's place, she told me she wanted to talk to Spiderman." Wade laughed, holding his stomach.
" She hasn't figured out that your Spidey? How dumb is she?" " She's not dumb! She's smart and pretty and beautiful.."

" I think pretty and beautiful are the same dumb ass."
I laughed, while putting my mask on.
" Well, I guess I'll leave too. I'm going to see Harley Quinn. Oh boy is she wild animal." Wade said hinting that they were sex buddies.

" Gross. Maybe date her and then get in her pants?"
I said shaking my head.
" No way. Deadpool doesn't settle."
" You two are perfect anyway. She's nuts, your... You." I said laughing as he punched my arm.

" Whatever. I'll tell you all about my escapade tonight when you come back heh heh." He said waving and teleported away.
I stepped out onto the window sill and took off, swinging through down town and seeing people point in awe.

I finally make it to Gwen's balcony and slowly look into the window. Gwen was jamming out to some song on her drums. She has drums? That's sick.

I stepped away and pulled out my phone. I texted her, pretending to be me and not spiderman.

**Gwen's POV **

I suddenly stopped playing my drums when I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket.
It's a text from Peter:
' Spidey is right outside waiting for you.' I jumped up, fixing my hair and stuff.

My heart was racing. It's not like I had a crush on this guy, I don't even know him! Just the fact that I'm meeting him is intimidating. I opened my door to my own balcony. I went to the edge, looking around. Suddenly I saw Spiderman
Lower himself down right in front of me upside down.

I jumped back, watching as he slowly turned upright and propped himself up on the edge. I gulped. " Gwen Stacey we meet again." I smiled. He moved forward.
" Yeah it's nice to see you again." He nodded.

" Peter told me you uh, had to talk to me?" I nodded.
" Its quite a long story.." I mumbled. " Oh he told me about how you got bit and all the symptoms. I'll answer questions." That was a relief. I really didn't want to tell the whole story again. I got angry about Harry everytime.

" Well do you want to come in? It's chilly out." I said rubbing my arms. " Yeah sure. I just hope your parents don't freak out for seeing Spiderman in your bed room." I laughed.
I sat on my bed and he sat in my chair I had across from me.
" So um, how did you cope with these uh, whatever you call them? I'm just so confused."

He looked me in the eyes, I think and signed.
" Well, I was really just confused like you and irritated. I felt like some circus freak to tell you the truth." I nodded, feeling the same way.
" But.. I never attacked someone as brutally as you did to the Goblin.." I remembered how I blacked out when I did that, and was scared.

" Yeah I like, blacked out. I didn't know I did that."
He rubbed his chin.
" Maybe Harry put something in there... But, I decided to put my powers to good. To be well, Spiderman. You've heard my story right?" I heard bits but I shook my head. He sorta hesitated at parts but told

" So, your saying I should use mine and be a hero?"
" Well, you don't have to exactly become a hero but, just don't god bad." I nodded. I looked up and saw him looking around. He looked at me and lifted his mask up, only seeing his lips. He smiled. Suddenly a voice went off from his wrist.

" Spiderman do you read?" A deep voice asked. Spidey jumped up and spoke to the wristband. " Yeah fury I'm here. What's going on?"
" There's a attack down town. Seems to be some new ones. Their attacking the Police department and I have some of the avengers down there holding them off."

Oh no. My dad. He was working tonight. " NO! My dad is the head of the Police department!" I shouted.
Spiderman hung up. He looked at me, pulling his mask down.
" Gwen... I can't risk taking you. You may get hurt badly." I felt tears welling. " I don't care I just need to get my dad away. Please Spiderman. Please."

He looked at me, then signed.
" Grab on." He said as we reached the edge of the balcony. I was scared of heights but with him, I felt safe. Oddly. I clutched to him as he jumped off, swinging towards town.

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