16) Airplanes

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Laying under a piece of rubble, I glared at absolutely nothing as I stayed awake, every now and then scratching at the bite. It seemed to be my new bad habit, opening the wound. It gave me a distraction from the pain of knowing Thomas might not be alive. No matter how much I make fun of him, he's my friend, and I'd give my life for any of them. I just wanted him back.

Feeling tears sting my eyes, I stood up and walked up some more stairs. When I was alone and able to see everyone from where I was, I kept scratching as I finally started silently crying. I miss my Tommy Boy. I'd do anything for him to be safe with us right now. Anything. I'd even stop making fun of him if it meant he could appear right in front of my eyes.

It wouldn't though so I just scratched harder as I cried some more.

"You okay, kid?"the last voice I wanted to hear asked.

"Go away,"I snapped, still crying. With a sigh he had the nerve to sit next to me. Making sure he knew this was unforgivable, I scooted further away as we sat in silence. That was also for the best. I didn't want more excuses from him, or anyone for that matter.

"I'm sorry about your friend."

"No you're not,"I whispered, pulling my knees to my chest.

"Adults are never sorry when they do these things to us. They say it so we'll trust them, then they make it worse. They experiment, or trick, or kill, or hurt us, and make us look like idiots. Like it's our fault for trusting them. So I know that you aren't sorry,"I spilled, feeling sobs rack my throat. Burying my face in my hands I started doing just that. For me, for them, and for everyone who didn't get out.

"You uh-you want something for your leg?"

"Why the hell would I care about that right now?"I asked through tears.

"I don't know. I'm not good with this stuff, okay?"

"I can tell,"I mumbled.


"I don't like you. I don't like what you did. I don't like that you hurt my friends. If we don't find Thomas I won't just not like you. I'll hate you. I'll wish death on you. Nobody touches the people I love. Nobody."

"Sounds like you're a good friend,"He responded after a moment of silence.

"We're family. We're all we have left. Some of us only have two of the original part, and the Gladers and I, have almost none of us. No more Glade. No more bonfires. No more Greenie's. No more gardens. No more huts. No more Deadheads. No more of Frypan's stew. No more anything. No more Chuck, or Alby, or Zart, or Clint, or Jeff, or Ben, or Jack, or even Gally, and I hate Gally for what he did, but he had been one of us for years,"I spilled.

"You lost a lot, huh?"

"You think?"I scoffed.

"It makes sense why you're on edge."

"Well I don't wanna die. I don't want anyone to die. Only the oppressors and the cruel."

"I take it I'm in the second category?"

"Yeah. Not even for tying us up. I begged you to just let us leave so nobody would get hurt, and I have a lot of pride to the point where it's almost deadly, but I just wanted everyone to be safe."

"You've got a big heart for someone who seems so ready to fight."

"Because there's not a lot of good in this world. Not a lot of protection. I wanna be that for the people I love. Because I love and care for good people. For people who deserve to be treated right and given the world. They don't get it though, and I can't give it to them. I can try though. I can give them everything I got. I'd give my last breath for any of those shanks."

"That's a different way of thinking. A lot of people lose themselves out here. They do what they need to do to survive."

"Even at others' expense,"I pointed out.

"When you're always in life or death your first reaction is usually yourself."

"Mine isn't. It never will be. I'm never going to put myself before them,"I promised.

"Even if it kills you?"He asked. I remained silent, because I didn't need judgment or life advice to look after myself. I just needed the shanks sleeping below me. "You really should fix up your ankle. I have some stuff that should help a few stories up,"He offered again.

"I don't like help."

"And you would hate it getting infected. Do you know what an airplane is?"

"I have an idea, but why does that matter?"I questioned, looking over at him in confusion and curiousity.

"Before they take off they tell you if it crashes to put on your oxygen mask before others, even babies. If you don't you'll pass out and won't be able to help anyone. Then, you'll both be dead. Nothing will be accomplished. Even though you want the best for them you doomed them."

"Shuck you,"I mumbled.

"Uh, why?"

"Trying to be all logical and tell me that I need to put myself before others sometimes."

"You do."

"Do you know how hard it is to switch from that mindset?"

"It's not impossible,"He sighed.

"It feels like it. Everything does right now,"I sighed, wiping my face.

"Just come get yourself cleaned up, and when you go to sleep think about it,"He urged.

"Fine,"I reluctantly gave in. Standing up, I let him lead me down more stairs. "By the way, if you tell anybody that I cried I'll throw more things at you,"I added.

"Wasn't planning on it, but noted,"He agreed. While I was still suspicious of him I had decided that maybe there were a few worse people than him. I guess all we could do was wait and see.

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