2) Vents and Oblivious Friends

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I already had trouble sleeping in general, but it felt impossible here. This place wasn't my home. As much as I hate to admit it I was completely on Gally's side until it became a death trap. The Glade was where we had all our memories, good and bad. Some of us were worse or better than others, but it was our home. It didn't start that way, but together we had made it a place with living.

It started with our names on that wall. Where they still there etched into the cold gray stone, or had that part of us been chipped away, forever forgotten?

Teresa's snore brought me back to reality. I sighed and decided to try the ground. It's where I had slept at home so maybe it could help me here.

I set my pillow on the floor and turned my head when I saw something. Someone had passed our vent, completely oblivious they had been seen.

Something in my gut told me I needed to follow them. Without any hesitation or debate I pulled the metal out of the wall. They made it way to easy. With Teresa still deep asleep I made my way in.

It was almost impossible to move in, but I did it anyway. Eventually, I would come to wherever I was supposed to. Even if it wasn't to the stranger I knew I had to know what was hidden away here. Something told me this place was off, and I wasn't going to leave until I found out.

I made it to a place that had enough room to crouch. Somewhat managing to stretch I took full advantage of it. How had the stranger made it seem so easy?

From behind me I heard a noise. Before I could react the stranger clasped their hand around my mouth. I tried to pry their hand off, but it did nothing.

"Shh, they're right below us,"A male voice whispered. I looked down to see what he was talking about, and two guards were standing there expressionless and dead silent. They looked both bored and boring with their matching white suits and stiff demeanor. I'd hate to be near those guys all the time.

After a moment they nodded each other, clearly signalling something without actually using words. They finally left the room with their footsteps in perfect synch. What freaks would do that?

Once they were finally gone the boy removed his hand from my mouth. I turned around to see the boy from the cafeteria. I had sworn I would meet him, and this was an interesting and awkward way of doing so.

"Hi,"I greeted, smiling.

"Hi. I'm sorry about that, but I didn't want us to get caught."

"Don't worry about it. It's in the past. I'm Y/N,"I introduced, holding out my hand.

"I'm Aris Jones,"He said, shaking it. His hands were soft. I held on just a second longer than needed before letting go.

"What are you doing here?"We asked at the same time.

"You first,"He insisted.

"I was trying to sleep on the floor when I saw someone pass by in a vent. Naturally, I needed to know who,"I explained.

"I'm here because I don't trust this place. There was something wrong with the way they tell us we're safe. They keep saying it over and over, but it looks forced."

"I know what you mean. These people look like they're trying to convince themselves more than us. They're hiding something."

"They are. I'll show you what if you meet me tomorrow,"He offered, his voice more solemn and serious. Whatever it was it wasn't good so obviously I have to do it.

"Should we meet back here then?"I asked.

"No. I'll come to you. Just don't tell anyone."

"I wasn't planning on it."


"You look happy,"Newt remarked.

"I always look like this,"I shrugged.

"No. You look like you're glowing. It looks like you want to skip in circles,"Fry added.

"Are you finally warming up to this place?"Minho asked.

"You could say that. It has some good things to offer,"I told them. All they heard from me was a casual remark, but I was telling them my amazing adventure without actually telling them. They'd go all psycho. Maybe one day I'd actually be able to.

I looked up at Aris again. He was still sitting alone. I desperately wish I could sit with him or even invite him over, but my friends would scare him off. That's the last thing I wanted.

He looked up and sent me a subtle nod. I nodded back to confirm I'd see him tonight. That's my assumption at least. He doesn't seem like he'd greet someone so with no purpose especially if it's that hard to tell it's what he's doing.

"Hey, stop staring,"Minho said, snapping his fingers. I sighed in annoyance. Out of all the Glader's he had always been the worst.

"What do you mean?"I asked innocently.

"You and that boy are having a stare off. You're even both red in the face,"Newt pointed out.

"Small world,"I shrugged, pretending I didn't know what he was talking about.

"I don't like him. I mean just look at him."
I looked back up to see him inspecting his cornbread. Honestly, he was kind of adorable.
"Look how horrifying he is. He's clearly already asserted his dominance over that cornbread,"I deadpanned.
"There's something off about him."
"I know, right? How do you win a staring contest with food?"I continued, still stone-faced. Everyone groaned at my jokes. They really needed a better sense of humor, along with some common sense if they didn't realize how much I was really lying. Oblivious much?

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