11) Late Night Talks

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"I hate this place,"I mumbled. By now everyone was dead asleep. Not me though. I was wide awake and miserable. No amount of tossing or turning was any good. That's why I decided to walk for a while. Maybe it wasn't the smartest plan, but I don't like the idea of being confined like this. We were trapped behind walls, not only in the Glade, but in the WCKD building, and I'm just supposed to stay with the group for the sake of safety when I have the space to move? Hell no.

"Same here,"Someone near me whispered. I was instantly on high alert. While it could be someone in the group I didn't recognize that voice, and my gullibility will not be the reason someone gets hurt or possibly worse.

That's why my first instinct was to reach for some kind of weapon. I frantically grabbed the empty gun and was ready to swing it in their direction with enough force to cause some serious damage.

"It's just Aris,"He whispered, seeming way too calm for someone close to getting their face bashed in.

"Oh, sorry,"I mumbled, putting it back on my belt.

"Late night stroll?"He asked.

"Yeah,"I shrugged.

"Can join you?"

"Sure. I don't see why not."

He took a spot closer to me, and we walked under the moonlight. Every now and then there would be a noise, and he would slightly jump.

"You're always on edge,"I stated as we made our way to who knows where.

"You never seem afraid,"he rebutted.

"Of course I am. I just don't let anyone see that side,"I admitted, not sure why I was telling him this in the first place.

"You do a good job at hiding it, but how come?"

"How come what?"

"How come you feel the need to hide it?"

That was definitely a reasonable thing to wonder, and like a lot of things in my life I didn't plan on giving an answer. I'd rather not dive into the fact that if I seem even the smallest bit afraid someone will make a deal out of it. I prefer not worrying people, especially my friends. They need to focus on their survival. Not my feelings.

"I dunno,"I shrugged, lying straight to his face. He didn't respond, and it seemed like he knew I wasn't being truthful.

"How come you're out here then? If you're afraid?"He asked quietly.

"I was getting claustrophobic,"I confessed.

"How? We're surrounded by nothing but open land,"He pointed out.

"Exactly, and I'm not allowed to see what else it has. I can't be forced to stay in one small place when I don't have to be. It almost feels like I'm being taunted by this stupid desert,"I rambled, kicking at the dirt. As I did I realized I had just spilled a whole lot in a few seconds.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to go on a rant,"I apologized, still walking alongside him.

"What's wrong with ranting for a bit?"He asked.

"I'd rather not be annoying. Nobody likes a chatterbox."

"I think everyone gets like that when they're close to someone,"He spoke up.

"Gets like what?"I inquired.

"Doesn't everyone get talkative when they're around someone they like?"

"I guess, but you don't know me that well,"I pointed out.

"Maybe not, but it doesn't have to stay that way. If we're going to be inevitably be around each other we may as well be friends."

"Really?"I questioned.

We Met By Chance(Aris Jones x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now