Bird hate

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It was the next day after Selen was forced to go on a break. It was the weekend and she had nothing to do or had any plans of any kind. She was resting on her bed as she stared at the ceiling wall as she was still bothered by what had happened from yesterday. Enna's behavior and Pomu being the newest victim of the hunter's attack. Now being forced to rest, it wasn't the best few days for Selen, especially for her friends. Elira obviously has been affected by Pomu's recent attack as they were best friends for the longest time. Since you know, they were childhood friends and if Selen remembered, if you're childhood friend with a girl, then you're usually distended to fall in love with that girl. Which can be said for both Selen and Elira, since Selen's childhood friend is Finana, and Elira's childhood friend is Pomu. So yeah, seeing Pomu, the person she's good friends with and is possibly in love getting hurt badly definitely made Elira pretty upset. Especially for Enna who was also good friends with Pomu for a long time, it wasn't helping beforehand she told her that she would be there for her when Millie was hurt and is now in the hospital as well.

So yeah, nothing is going well so far.

As Selen was resting on her bed, she took out her phone to check the time to see that it was 11 am. To her it felt like she hasn't even been an hour yet. She was bored out of her mind as she desperately needed to do something to distract her mind and kill some time before her mind starts to wander into some weird things. As she tried to think of things that she could do to kill some times, she remembered that Elira was still in the house, probably still feeling sad about what happened. She probably cried herself to sleep, hell she remembers when they were younger where Pomu accidentally stubbed her toe by accident which caused Elira to almost cry. That's how much she cared for Pomu. so she was probably slowly dying after what happened, so she decided that would need to be a good sister for once and go check on her. So she got up from her bed and walked out of her and went downstairs and went to the living room. Once she was in the living room, she saw that Elira was resting on the couch on her back as she had small bags under her eyes. They were home alone as their parents were out at work so that means that Selen was all on her own to help Elira in this situation. So she walked up to Elira by sitting next to the sofa next to the couch.

Selen: hey Sis, how you been.

She said trying to start a conversion which sadly, she didn't get a response from Elira as she just stared off to the ceiling.

Selen: You know, staring off to the ceiling and acting all sad won't stop me from bothering you, you know that right.

She said jokingly trying to lighten up the mood. But yet again Elira didn't respond to her sister, she just kept on staring off to the ceiling.

Selen: Elira, is your plan all day is to just sit here and stare off to the ceiling like you just came back from a funeral.

Elira: yes.

She got a quick response from Elira who sounded like her voice was dying on her. Selen just sighs from her response.

Selen: Elira, Pomu isn't dead, so why are you acting like she did?

She asked as she felt like Elira might have been a little bit overreacting, she understood why she was feeling like this but she didn't understand why Elira was acting like Pomu was dying and there was nothing they could do about it.

Elira: Well, how do you expect me to act when you're told that your childhood best friend got assaulted by some stranger out of nowhere for no reason whatsoever and is now badly injured and needs to go to the hospital.

She said in a depressing voice as she remembered when she was first told about Pomu's condition. It was like a nightmare coming true, she wished it was just a nightmare. She didn't want to believe what she was told and was hoping that it was nothing more than just a cruel prank being performed. But sooner or later came to accept that what she was being told was true. She just broke down crying just to hear the news. To hear that pomu was badly hurt with no warning, just something happened. How could this happen? Why did this happen? How did this happen? She didn't know, she just didn't know. Selen could tell Elira was an emotional wreck from what happened, who wouldn't. Selen would probably be even more of an emotional wreck if something like this were to happen to Finana.

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