scetas city (rewritten again)

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It was a brand new day in Scetas city. It is a big beautiful city in the daytime where many people just mind their own business and if they're not doing that they play a children's card game called duel monster which is basically popular all over the world. Which is a strange world because of the fact that dragon people, ocean people, fairies, phoenixes are normal in this world but that isn't important.

Right now somewhere in Scetas city. There was a girl named Selen Tatsuki, who is 19 years old and is a hybrid between a human and a dragon. She was in her room sleeping like a baby, that was until her alarm started going off. She didn't want to wake up at first and tried her best to ignore it but put a pillow over her ears to muffle the noise. But that didn't help as the alarm is way too loud so out of frustration she smashed the alarm with her dragon hand. Once she did that, she went back to bed acting like nothing had happened as she just wanted to sleep. Then all of a sudden, her half sister who was a year older than her burst into her room, her name being Elira Pendora.

Elira: It's morning! Time to wake up!

Selen: five more minutes.

Selen said as she was half awake

Elira: You think you can just lay in bed for five more minutes! If you wanted to stay in bed for five more minutes then you should have added five more minutes to your alarm!

Elira then walked over to her and grabbed Selen's dragon tail and tried to drag her out of her bed.

Elira: It's time to wake up! Get up!

Selen: no! Five more minutes!

She said why clanging on to her bed for dear life

Elira: no! You have things to do and places to be like school!

Selen: I don't want to even go to school!

Elira: Well too bad! You don't get a say in it!

Selen: Well you can't make me!

Elira: Okay then. Mom!

Selen: fine! I'm awake! Now let go of my tail!

Once Selen said that, Elira let go of her tail. After she did that, Selen went downstairs to eat breakfast. Once she was at the dinner table, she saw her mom and dad already eating their breakfast.

Mom: Good morning Selen.

Selen: morning mom.

She said in a grumpy tone

Dad: Sounds like someone didn't get a good night's rest.

Selen: yeah, maybe if i got 5 more minutes of sleep, i wouldn't be this grumpy.

She said while looking at Elira

Elira: Well then you should have added 5 more minutes to your alarm next time.

Selen then started to growl at Elira at out anger

Mom: no fighting you too. We've gone a day without you two fighting and I would like to keep it like that. Now eat your breakfast.

Then they both sat down and ate their breakfast together.

Dad: so, how has college been for two?

Selen: It's been great.

Mom: So have you made any new friends?

Selen: yeah like 4.

Elira: and a crush.

She said taunting Selen who was now blushing

Selen: shut up!

Mom: oh, who is the lucky person?

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