Völlstandig Unleashed: Yhwach's Vow The Final Battle

Start from the beginning

Yhwach: Seems like the Empire is furious with us now.

Tatsumi: They claim these people were spies of the Revolutionary Army. Is it a warning?

Suddenly, Akame gasped.

Akame: It's a code.

We turned to her.

Tatsumi: A code?

Yhwach: How do you recognize it?

Akame: It's for me.

Yhwach: For you? Why? What does it say?

Akame: "I'm waiting for you in the palace of Kasai Forest."

Yhwach: ...Is it from...your sister? Kurome?

She nodded, and the mere thought filled me with anger. She killed Chelsea and displayed her head.

Akame: I must prepare myself.

Tatsumi: What!? You can't actually go! Tell her, Yhwach!

Yhwach: It's no use, Tatsumi. This confrontation is inevitable. There's nothing we can do. In fact, we should step aside.

Tatsumi: Step aside!? Are you insane!? We can't let her face this alone!

Yhwach: This is a personal battle between sisters. We mustn't interfere.

Before Tatsumi could protest further, Akame halted him.

Akame: Thank you, Tatsumi, but I must conclude this on my own. And Yhwach, thank you.

She started to depart, and Tatsumi gazed at her reluctantly.

Yhwach: Now that she's not paying attention, head to that palace and wait outside, concealed.

He turned to me in disbelief.

Tatsumi: What!? Didn't you just say-

Yhwach: Your role is to observe. If anything or anyone attempts to interfere with their battle, you must intervene.

He took a moment to contemplate, then nodded.

Tatsumi: But what about you? Aren't you coming with me?

I glanced at the setting sun, near its end.

Yhwach: I have something to deal with. You'll find me at the base.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape, I made my way to a secluded area near the Kasai Forest. Finding a solitary rock, I settled atop it, crossing my legs and closing my eyes to enter a deep state of meditation.

Within the recesses of my mind, the familiar transition occurred. The world around me dissolved, and I found myself in the Dark Void once more.

Zaegar, the Primordial Hollow, emerged from the darkness, towering over me with an imposing presence. His form was a grotesque amalgamation of shadows and twisted spiritual energy, embodying the ancient and raw power of Hollows.

Zaegar: Yhwach, you've returned. I was starting to get bored.

Yhwach gazed at Zaegar, his expression unwavering.

Yhwach: Zaegar, I have a few questions, and this time, I hope you'll provide clear answers.

Zaegar leaned forward slightly, a distorted grin forming on his shadowy visage.

Zaegar: Ask your questions, Yhwach. If they bore me, I won't bother answering.

Yhwach: Can my soul accommodate one more Schrift?

Zaegar's shadowy form shifted, his attention briefly turning to the cocoons containing the Sternritters.

Zaegar: Your soul isn't ready yet, Yhwach. Adding another Schrift could lead to unforeseen consequences. Although the Schrift you possess now, the Schrift H - The Heat, is close to obtaining a Vollständig.

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