Malice Within My Heart

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"So, sister huh?" Juilius says as he sits, Ichika sitting across him as Marx sits on a chair on the table 

"Yes" She says as she sips on some tea, looking at Julius as Julius looks at her

"He never mentioned you, I presume you two maybe arent on best terms?" He asks as she shakes her head

"No actually, we write to each other often, his last note was a little over a month ago about this Charlotte girl, anyways, he didn't write back which was odd to me, and then I saw that in the paper he got kidnapped" Ichika says as she looks somewhat sad, Julius looking at her

"Yes... we are in a developing war with the kingdom known as the Spade Kingdom, their queen, Ciel Grinberryall has allied with the devils of the underworld and currently has 3 generals leading the army, 3 siblings named Dante, Vanica and Zenon which are devils hosts for some of the strongest devils in the underworld, they're also aided by 6 devils which has been lowered down to 4, they are all incredibly strong in their own right" Julius says as Ichika looks at them

"Devils huh? Nasty creatures" She says as Julius notices the mannerism Yami has carrying over into the younger Ichika

"So they kindapped my brother huh?" Ichika says angry as Julius nods

"They needed his magic, along with another captain, a boy named Asta, and the Queen of another kingdom, the Hearts kingdom" Juius says as Ichika stops him

"Asta correct? By any chance... does he have devil magic to take powers away?" She says as Julius looks confused

"Yes actually.... how did you know?" Julius says as Ichikia smiles

"That crazy bastard... he really can see all" She says as she laughs a bit, looking at Julius 

"In our land, our Shogun, his name is Lord Ryudo or simply Ryu, he has an uncanny ability to say the least... long ago he made a contract with a devil, for the abilty to perceive and see all with his right eye" She says as Julius listens closely

"He spoke of a boy from this land, he would inherit the power of a devil and carry the abilty to provide great change for not only the people of his land, but the entire world!" She says as Julius looks at Marx

"That does sound alot like our Asta huh?" Julius says with a laugh as Ichika stands up

"Listen sir, I know this is an odd request, but Yami was an admired figure when he was young and from our land, and im sure our Shogun would love the chance to collaborate and help with your cause!" Ichika says as Julius looks at her, stunned

"Really?!" He says as she nods

"Plus... im sure theres alot you guys can learn from us!" she says as Julius eyebrow raises 



"AH!" Marie yells as she's smacked back by a large hammer, Jackal standing over her as the other shining generals lay unconcious

"Even three of us arent enough?" Marie says as she holds her knifes in hand, staring down Jackal as his clothes are torn, large black wings sprouting out of his back as his eyes are dark red

"I usually prefer to do this in a more clean manner... but it is what it is" Jackal says as he drops the hammer, opening his hands as magic forms within it


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