Act IV - Mad World

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tw- mention of implied sexual assault but nothing happens.

It has been one month since the day mutiple magic knights were lost. 

"HRAH" A female voice yells as it hits a punching bag, her fists bleeding with each hit as she keeps on hitting it, faster and faster

"RAHHHH!" She yells as she kicks it, before jumping back as she lifts her hand


The water collides,destroying the bag along with the wall behind it as Noelle looks tired, backing up as she takes a seat, unwrapping her fists as she pats on the bleeding spots, flinching as she touches up on the spots

"Training hard?" A male voice says as she turns, seeing Fuegoleon as he looks at her, taking a seat on a small couch next to her as they stand in the training room

'It's not enough.." Noelle says as Fuegoleona pats her back

'Cmon, Julius is waiting for us" He says as Noelle nods, throwing on Astas black bull cape around her clothes, her wearing her hair in a ponytail with a white hoodie and purple colored leggings, wiping sweat off of her face as she follows Fuegoleon out of the room, the two walking through the house of Vermillion as Leopold looks at her, waiting in the lobby at the front door

"Ready for another sparring sesh soon?" he says with a grin as she smiles at him friendly, the two walking through the door with the captain as Mereoleona stands outside, along with a spatial mage

"Ready?" She asks as they all nod, walking through the portal as they end up in a giant room, the rest of the captains there besides Willam, with Kaguya there in his place, and Nacht in the place of Yami

"Hello' Julius says with a smile as Noelle smiles back, still not doing too good as she takes a seat next to Fuegoleon and Mereoleona, Nozel averting her gaze

"Hello everyone, as you know, last month Nacht reported to us shortly after our mages were kidnapped about the Tree of Qliphoth, and how those three along with the Queen of Hearts was the keys to it" Julius says as Nacht walks up, looking at everyone

"Ever since then, our world has gone through some changes, all of the Heart Kingdom has been captured under the rule of Queen Grinberryall, and parts of the Diamond Kingdom have been taken as well as they're trying their hardest to hold them off'" Nacht says as he goes

"As i reported before, i said that it would take sometime for the tree to slowly start opening, of course after all of the preperations for it, and i can tell you all that the process has begun" Nacht says as each of the captains have a solum look on their face

"Then that means..." Rill says as Nacht nods

"We're on borrowed time... in about a week, the first gate of the underworld will open, the first out of seven" Nacht says as Noelle looks glum

"That means that Asta and the others..." Noelle says as Nacht shakes his head

"Their life force will slowly be used up and they will fully die when the seventh gate opens" Nacht says as he looks at everyone

"That means we have 6 days to get ready, and on the 7th day, we will storm Spade castle and stop them!" Nacht says as each of the captains look somewhat hopeless

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