Heavens Solider

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There was a small retcon in this book, I apologize for any inconvenience to new readers, it had been a while since I had wrote this book, if you notice it just pretend like it was always like how I rewrote it! 



"WHAT THE HELL!?" Asta yells as he smashes a table next to him, Yuri standing, gulping as Asta grabs the table, throwing it at the wall as it smashes into pieces

"WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME ANYTHING?!" Asta says as hes filled with anger, and much more as Yuri stands there, unsure of what to say 

"I- I just thou-" Yuri says as Astas forehead fills with veins, popping out


"Listen, just allow me to explain so-" Yuri says as Asta shushes him

"Im not your son... but go on, explain to me" Asta says as he grabs a chair, sitting down as he rubs his head

"Listen... many years ago, I met my beautiful girlfriend, the woman of my dreams.... her name was Chile, in a life of darkness and killing, she brightens it up, even if she was apart of my heists and robberies later on, Living life as a peasant is hard, im sure you know by living with me" Yuri says as he looks out the window 

"It was a hard time, we were bouncing around and bearly managing, until we found you, a baby on our doorstep with a odd grimoire there in your small basket" Yuri says as he smiles, remembering Chilie with Asta, smiling with tears of joy

"She wanted to run away now, with you, she had wanted a kid but we had complications... grown up business kid" Yuri says as he smiles a bit, a tear falling down his eye as he remembers 

"But one day, we returned from a successful heist, we got back to see our village in shambles, everyone in our gang had been killed, men in uniforms were looking for a young boy... to be quite frank, I considered giving you up so me and her can go free... but she was so adamant to protect you, and when she... when she died for it..." Yuri says as tears begin to run down his face heavily, Asta looking over as he can see the pain in his face

"I... I was so overcome with emotion, I didn't know what to do, until.... a devil appeared" Yuri says as he points at the grimoire Asta has

"He said to protect his brother... Asta, and from then on, I just thought, if we didn't speak about it, it would be better... for your sake, and so I didn't have to remember those painful memories" Yuri says as he begins shedding more tears now, rubbing his face with his shirt to wipe it up as Asta walks over, putting his hand on his shoulder

"I... I understand, dont worry, I know why you wouldn't want too" Asta says as he takes a seat, looking at his grimoire 

"Another brother huh... you know, after finding out I was related to that monster of a mage, im not surprised at this" Asta says as Yuri sits down on a chair next to him

"Im sorry for having a outburst, its just... everything has been changing so much in these last couple days, and just to have this dropped on me... its unbelievable" Asta says as he rubs his forehead 

"Listen, I know I wasn't the best father to a kid, and I didn't do a good job raising you to be an actual good kid, I took the hand of cards I was dealt and didn't do anything with it, instead of trying to do my hardest to raise you to be the best you could be" Yuri says as he pats Asta on the back

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