Act I - Enter Asta

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It has been 16 years since the burning of Hage.

"HRAH!!!" A young man yells as he slams his leg into a tree, shattering it and sending it flying backward as he breathes hard, sweating as he takes a giant bottle of water, drinking it as he puts it back down, his longer grey hair being held up in a ponytail, his bright green eyes seeming with tiredness

"TSH TSH!" He. yells as he throws two punches, then a kick which breaks down another tree

"ASTA! TIME TO EAT!" A male voice yells as Asta looks, grabbing his water and walking out of the small forest area, walking to a small house surrounded by burned down houses

Asta walks in, untying his hair as it falls to his ears, looking at Yuri, who cooks a deer he found above a fire he started with his magic

"Hey pop" Asta says as he slumps into a broken chair, Yuri sliding a plate of deer meat with another plate of rice to him

"Training hard?" Yuri says as Asta nods, biting into the deer meat like a wild animal, tearing it from the bone

"Mhm" Asta says as Yuri takes a look out the window

"Im going to need to pick those logs up, maybe I can expand on this house" Yuri says as he sits down with Asta, starting to eat as he opens up a newspaper, looking through it

"Hm? Looks like war talks between Clover and the Spade Kingdom are starting to get more serious, espically after the attack at the Clover capital a couple weeks ago" Yuri says as Asta speaks up

"How much money do we got left from the last steal?" Asta says as Yuri opens a book, flipping through the pages

"We have quite a bit for basic living expenses, some plates, clothes" Yuri says as Asta nods, biting into his food

"You okay? I dont think you should be training after what happened to you on the last steal" Yuri says as Asta raises his shirt, a large scar across his chest as he caresses it

"You know im tougher then that" Asta says with a slight smile as Yuri laughs a bit

"You know Asta... Theres something ive been needing to tell you... youre around the ag-" Yuri begins to say as hes stopped, a large book in the corner of the house rising up, words start to be written into the books as Yuri walks up to it, looking inside of It as his eyes open up

"Woah...." he says as Asta gets up from his chair

"What? A new steal?" Asta says as Yuri smiles, tossing Asta the book

"Word from my source, this is a big one!" Yuri says as Asta reads it, his eyes widening

"A vault inside the Silva Mansion houses incredible loot, a new cart of loot was taken into the vault and it dropped..." Asta says as his eyes opening wide, a giant smile on his face

"This amount of money is crazy!!!" Asta yells as Yuri smiles

"We got lucky, usually they dont keep large amounts in the vaults due to bandits, and when they are kept there, theyre moved out quickly..." Yuri says as he smiles

"We're going to have a small window for this operation, so we will have to do this soon" Yuri says as Asta nods

"Tommorow, for now, let's rest up and we will move out!" Yuri says as Asta nods

The rest of the day is used as preparation, the two discussing their plans to go into the vault and get the loot...

Asta lays onto a small mattress on the floor, lighting a candle so he can look through a small bag, retrieving the mysterious grimoire

The Taker of Magic; A Black Clover StoryWhere stories live. Discover now