Worst Case Scenario

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"ASTA!" All of them yell out as they try to fight the generals, Noelles water magic rising around her as she readies a attack, Leopold, Kaguya and even the healer Mimosa doing the same as their emotions start to heighten

"Get out of my way ASH!" Mereoleona yells out as blue flames slowly rise around her, Ash gritting his teeth as he turns, looking at Elijah

"What do I do?!" Ash says in conflictinn as he looks around


A surging amount of Diamond rises from the ground, making a wall between Asta and Elijah as his spear slams into the wall, getting halfway through it as the spear disappears, Elijah standing back as everyone turns, seeing a tall man with bright silver colored hair, a large black cape around his shoulders as he has numerous stones embedded into his body and his head

"LORD MARS!" All of the shining generals say as they get on one knee and bow, Elijah doing the same

"Sir Mars" Elijah says as Mars walks into the room, looking at all of the mages

"Clover mages hm? State your business here" Mars says as all of them look at Mars

"Hello Sir, we're here to talk about a proposed alliance" Mereoleona says as Mars takes a seat on his throne, looking at them

"A alliance huh?" Mars says as Elijah stands up

"Sir if I may" Elijah says as Mars looks at him

"I cannot work with that devil if you accept it.. it would go against everything I stand for!" Elijah says as Mars looks at him, then back at Asta

"Ahh... the devil host, ive heard of you, youre the reason you created that incident not that long ago with the other devil host claiming you as its brother" Mars says as Asta looks away, nodding as hes ashamed 

"I think that doesn't matters in this situation" Mereoleona says as she looks at Mars

"The Devils of Spade are getting more and more aggressive, a couple weeks ago, Vanica attacked our capital in a seemingly random attack, but Im sure it had more meaning" Mereoleona says as Asta realizes thats what Nozel was talking about when they first got into their fight 

"I think that although it may go against your strongest solider, this is what needs to be done!" Mereoleona says as Elijah stands up, shaking his head 

"NONSENSE!" Elijah says as his mana flairs up

"I wont work with a devil, ive lost so much due to those horrid creatures and If youre going to form this alliance, I wont be apart of it" Elijah says as Mars looks at the two of them

"Asta" The voice within Asta says as Asta listens to what it says, his eyes opening wide but ultiminly, nodding 

"Li-" Mars begins to say as Asta gets up, walking over to Elijah as Elijah looks at him with a look of hate

"Listen..." Asta says as he gets on his knees, everyone looking in confusion as Asta opens his grimoire, laying it on the ground as it slowly starts to shake

"Whats happening?" Leopold says as all of the mages look as a dark light slowly forms out of the grimoire

"Hm?" Elijah says in confusion as he sees a large, dark hand rise out of the book as it hits the floor, along with another hand as Elijah backs up

"Whats he doing?" Mereoleona says in confusion as Ash looks both confused and worried

"This could go good or terribly bad" Ash says as a head shrouded in darkness emerges, followed by a large, ugly body as it lands in front of the grimoire, standing very tall as Elijah looks at it

The Taker of Magic; A Black Clover Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن