Chapter 9:

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A/N-(video is not mine I found it on YouTube and liked it, but it as fowl language) In only a few hours I have reached over 300 views when I was only over 200 yesterday, I can't believe it! Thank you so much, I never thought I was good at writing so even getting this far is a lot. Thank you! Enjoy!

(y/n) POV:

The next morning I walked into school like any normal day and walked to my locker when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I chuckled thinking it was Freddy and his annoying tries at flirting, "Good morning Freddy!" I heard a chuckle that I did not recognize and a new voice, "Hey sweet cheeks, sorry to burst your bubble, but I'm not Freddy." I turned around to be met with a boy who looked to be a senior with shaggy black hair and brown eyes. To sum it up he was a ladies man who was probably a player. His arms were still wrapped around my waist when I tried to push him away while he just laughed and smirked at my failing attempts. I mentally face-palmed not noticing the simple answer for escape and said, "Let go! I have a boyfriend!" He just chuckled and asked, "Oh you do now do you? Well who is it?" Before I could answer a voice cut in catching our attention and said, "I am." He turned around, and I peeked around him, to see Gold standing there with the scariest expression I have seen. The stranger looked between me and then Gold a few times then smirked and said, "Well pal, I'm sure she would like me more than a loser like you, right babe?~" The word babe made a chill run down my spine as it flung Gold over the edge, the flirt was soon on the ground clutching his nose which was bruising and bleeding. 'Probably broken, but he deserves it.' I thought then smiled at Gold he smiled back, but then turned his attention to the guy who he just punched across the face, "If you ever touch or go near MY (y/n) again you are gonna have a lot more than a broken nose!" Gold took my hand in his then we both marched away from the scene to first period.

Chica's POV:

We were already in first period waiting for (y/n) when suddenly Gold got up and said, "I feel like something's wrong. I'm going to go find (y/n)." (Don't ask why they were in class early or how Gold was able to sense when something's wrong because I don't even know!) After a few minutes he came back holding hands with (y/n), he looked very agitated. They sat down and I asked (y/n), "Hey what happened?" She looked over at me then sighed and said, "Well, this guy tried to flirt with me and when I told him I had a boyfriend, Gold came along and saved me." I nodded then did a double-take, "YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND?!" She looked confused then 'ohhhhed' face-palming then responded, "Yeah I forgot to tell you, I'm dating Gold now." I gasped then squealed jumping out of my seat screaming, "OH MY GOD! YOU'RE DATING GOLD!" Freddy's and Bonnie's heads snapped in our direction looking confused/furious/like they were about to murder someone, I think I know who that someone would be. They glared at Gold, Gold stared wide eyed then hid behind (y/n) looking like a frightened child hiding behind his mother. Before Freddy and Bonnie could beat the living crap out of Gold the bell rang and the teacher entered the room starting off another long day, but Freddy and Bonnie could only glare at Gold through every class.

A/N- I can't thank you guys enough, my writing was never the best in school, (which means it downright sucked), So I can't believe that so many people are reading this so I thank you! Read on!

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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