Chapter 6: Oh God... my first kiss?

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A/N- Oh..My..God! Over 200 reads! EEEEEEHHHHHHHH!!!!! Oh wait, right... I was going to say that this chapter goes to ChicaChicken76! (because she likes Gold) On with the chapter! Enjoy!

I stood there wide eyed looking between Freddy, Gold, and Shawn. Gold sighed, grabbed my hand, and started to drag me out of the lunch room, me blushing the whole way. We stopped outside the lunchroom room doors out in the hall where there was barely any students. He grabbed my other hand and held them in his creating a comfortable silence until he broke it, "(y/n), you shouldn't talk to Shawn and Shane. They're very bad news, you don't know what you are getting yourself into." I frowned and huffed before yelling, "They don't seem bad, you just don't want them near me because you're jealous!" He blushed like crazy stuttering out words like, "N-no I'm n-not!" and "T-that's n-not true!" I giggled at his adorableness until his face turned serious making a shiver run down my spine, he let go of my hand and placed his hand on my cheek. He looked directly into my eyes and his eyes were a very light blue, almost grey, I couldn't look away from them. I finally snapped out of my trance to see how close we were, only centimeters away from kissing. I turned into a tomato while he still had the same serious expression, it actually kind of scared me. I noticed he glanced down at my lips then back into my eyes, I didn't know what he was planning, but I also kind of knew. I closed my eyes to calm myself, but they shot wide open again when I felt something warm against my lips. Gold's lips... I started to blush even more than before (if that is even possible). Then he pulled away and just walked right back into the lunch room, leaving me there to be utterly confused and a blushing mess.

Chica's POV:

While I sat there eating my lunch with Foxy and Bonnie and Freddy fighting with their cousins, I saw Gold walk back in with the most smug grin that I have ever seen. He looked like he just achieved something, but then I noticed that (y/n) was not following behind him. 'Oh God... What happened?' I got up from my seat and walked out of the lunch room with Foxy following behind me, out in the hall we found (y/n), but she seemed to be frozen with her back turned to us. I walked to where I was standing in front of her and waved my hand in her face noticing the extreme blush across her cheeks. 'Man what did Gold do, she's not even moving?' I snapped my fingers a few times until she jumped and looked at me so I asked, "Girl, what did Gold do?!" She looked left and right then motioned me to come closer, I leaned in and she whispered, "He kissed me! On the lips..." I squealed and fangirled like crazy! (sounds like some of us *cough cough me cough*) I started jumping around and yelled, "(y/n), do you know what this means!?" She stared at me oddly then said, "No..." I jumped around again yelling, "This means he likes you! Like, like likes you!" I saw her blush more and start waving her hands trying to stop me from drawing attention, (all the while Foxy just stands there) and she keeps saying, "What? No it doesn't! Stop people are staring!" I grabbed her wrist and brought her back into the lunch room back over to our table. I literally pushed her into Gold who caught her and stood her on her feet while I announced, "You guys would be the most adorable couple!"  Shawn, Bonnie, and Freddy looked at me like I was insane until Shane asked " What makes you say that?" "Because they kissed!"

(Y/N) POV:

I fell into Gold's chest, but I felt someone catch me. I looked up to see Gold lifting me back up onto my feet. I stood up and heard Chica say something about Gold and I making a good couple, but it looked like Bonnie, Freddy, and Shawn disagreed. Shane just looked confused so he piped in asking, "What makes you say that?" "Because they kissed!" Freddy, Shawn, and Bonnie all snapped there heads toward us and glared at Gold yelling simultaneously, "WHAT?!"

'Oh God... Chica what have you done?'

A/N- Oh God... Really Gold?!

Gold: *shrugs* I don't know

Bonnie: *runs in with knife* GOLD I WILL MURDER YOU! * starts chasing Gold around with knife*

PieMuncher: Oh no... BONNIE STOP! Uhhhh...

See you in the next chapter my Munchies!


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